20. My past

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Chapter twenty

Again before reading this chapter you should know that there are a story told by Alison that can be disturbing to some people, if it's to much I'm sorry.

Damon's POV:

I could feel myself waking up, what the hell I didn't go to sleep did I? I could waggly hear someone saying something, but I couldn't make it out at first.

"Damon come on please wake up" Elena shakes me, I finally opens my eyes, my neck was sore and it all came back to me, Elena leaving her house and Rebekah being a bitch.

"That bitch, she broke my neck" I voiced my thoughts out loud and rubbed my neck angrily, then I remembered the big picture being that Elena had been in danger.

"Elena are you okay, what happened?" I asked frantic, I can't believe I wasn't there for her.

"I'm fine Damon, Rebekah took me, she would have killed me but klaus showed up, he daggered his sister.. He said he couldn't afford anything happening to me so he would keep Rebekah daggered and take her with him" Elena was gently stroking my arm while telling me what I missed.

"How'd he even know?" I didn't understand how klaus knew Elena was in danger, as far as we all knew he was long gone, searching for werewolf's in Europe.

"He said he had a hybrid watching Rebekah, if she should try anything, he reported back to klaus that she was on her way to Mystic Falls." Well that makes sense, klaus doesn't trust anyone, not even his own sister.

I got up from the ground and guided Elena into the house, where I made her a cup of tee, I was about to go sit by her when my phone started to beep in my pocket, I pulled it out and saw I had a few missed calls from Stefan and messages to.

'Where the hell are you Damon?! Alison is upset, and I mean seriously upset about something.. I don't know what is happening, I think you should come home, she might listen to you' he had tried to get in torch with me for hours, I felt so guilty how could I have forgotten everything that happened to Alison, but I couldn't just leave Elena she needed me as well...

Alison's POV:

I have been siting on the bathroom flour for an hour before I went out and laid in my bed again, I was still crying and still seeing images from my dream last night. Unfortunately I fell a sleep again. I saw it all happening again, before I was waking up while screaming in Stefan's arms.. Again!

He rocked me back and forth for awhile, before getting his phone out and texting someone. A little bit later Damon walked in, I could feel myself getting a little happier at the sight of him, but that went away when I saw he had brought Elena with him, I didn't hate her, but I think what she was doing to Stefan was wrong, he told me about how she was into some other guy as well, how could she do that to Stefan! She needed to figure her shit out and not string Stefan along..

Damon came over to my bed and took a look at Stefan who still had his arms around me. I felt Stefan tense up but he didn't let go of me.

"I'm better now Stef. Thanks" I told him while getting out of his arms, it was a little awkward with Elena and Damon watching us, I was a lot more calm now but as I tried to sit up I could feel how sticky my cloths were, again I was drenched in sweat. I thought about what to do next. I didn't think it would be fair to lie to Stefan and Damon about what is going on so I considered telling them everything. I told them we should talk when I had taking a quick shower, I also told Elena I needed to talk to the Salvatore's alone, she reluctantly left, I think she might have gotten the wrong idea about Stef and me, but not really my problem, I didn't want to share this stuff with her.

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