26. Elena's confession

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Chapter twenty six

Alison's POV:

It's an indescribable feeling waking up like this. In Damon's bedroom, with his strong arms wrapped around my waist. It makes me feel safe in a way I have never experienced before.

It's been a little over two weeks since Damon and I both confessed our love for one another. In these past two weeks we have been inseparable, I've slept every night in his bed and I love it.

"Go back to sleep! it's toooo early!" Damon grunted at me, he's clearly not a morning person. Aww he's so adorable when he is being morning grumpy.

"Are you serious, it's like 09.00 am. That's not early Damon"

"Well with the night we had its defiantly to early to get up" he smirked at me referring to a very steamy night. I love when he is in this playful mood.

"I have things to do, people to see I'm a very busy person" I stated cheerfully while pretending to get out of bed, knowing that there are no way he is gonna let me leave. And right I was. The moment my feet touched the ground I was being pulled back to a grumpy looking Damon.

"Oh no you don't, all you need to do today is me" he smirked, damn doesn't he ever do anything else than that stupid though very attractive sexy smirk, actually I want him to do it all the time.

"I guess I could wait half an hour before I get ready"

"Half an hour?! No way, I defiantly need at least two hours with you" he started negotiating with me.

"One hour! Take it or leave it" I said and just to tease him I started getting out of the bed once again. He couldn't have that, I chuckled as he pulled me back and placed him self on top of me.

"Alright alright one hour it is!" He said while kissing along my jawline, down my neck and moving his gorgeous lips, that made me shiver, down to my breast. I took his head between my hands and guided his lips back to mine in a hungry kiss, I was fighting for a little while over dominance, but as expected he worn and I caved in as he deepened the kiss.

I flipped us over so that I was straddling him now. He sat up with me in his lap. While kissing my neck I started moving my hips so that I was grinding him in just the right place to make him moan. He put his hands on my hips guiding my grinding and making it faster, making the both of us moan loudly. He lifted me up a little only to bring me back down so he was now entering me, I almost screamed when our body were united, but Damon silenced me with a rough kiss.

Aww the morning sex you've got to love it, I smirked at my own stupid thought.

I went to take a shower in Damon's bathroom. After a few minutes in his bath I couldn't help but wonder why Damon didn't join me.. Every single time I have taken a shower in his bath rather than my own he has been there the second I stepped in. Weird.. Well he will most likely be in here at any moment.

Damon's POV:

I rolled out of bed and put on a pair of dark pants and I pulled out a clean shirt, but then I heard the water running in my bathroom indicating that Alison was going to take a shower, I tossed my shirt and was about to pull of my pants so I could join her, when my bedroom door was opened and Elena walked in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly, as I didn't appreciate her walking in here and keeping me from joining Alison. I watched as Elena's eyes traveled over my naked chest. God she was being obvious, but I couldn't really blame her I mean it's me Damon freaking Salvatore.

"Could you stop eye raping me and maybe answer" I smirked at her. She looked flustered and embarked as she quickly forced her self to look at the very interesting floor.

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