15. The people around me

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Chapter fifteen

Damon's POV:

Sorry. He was sorry, really what did he expect from her?! that she would just jump in his arms and forgive everything that happened. He almost killed her for crying out loud. I wanted to rip him a part just thinking about it!
I watched as Tyler walked a little closer to Ali, but he was being hesitant about it, I guess he could see the fear striking in her beautiful green eyes, I hated seeing her upset, I most of all wanted to take her in my arms, but I knew now wasn't the time.
I really wanted Tyler to leave, there was much more I needed Alison to understand, and frankly she needed time away from Tyler right now, it had only been a few hours since he attacked her.

"Look Tyler why don't you go home, get cleaned up and give Alison some time to sort things out" I was trying my best to be nice, not because of him, I couldn't care less about him, no I was trying because of her, I wanted to show Alison my good side, it didn't show very often, Elena is pretty much the only one who gets to see it from time to time.

"F*ck you Damon, I am not leaving" Tyler yelled at me. Wrong move, very wrong move, now Alison was really scared of him and I was done being polite.

"The full moon is over, you are not nearly as strong as me, so I am going to give you one chance to walk out that door or I swear I am going to rip your heart out. And I am going to enjoy it" I said seriously pissed of now. I said the last part about his heart a little bit lower so Alison didn't hear it, I mean yeah she was taking all of this pretty well but I don't think now is best time to let her know I would gladly rip out her boyfriends heart..

Tyler took a look at Alison to see the same scared face that I saw, he looked at me like he was considering to take me on. If he does he has got to be the biggest fool on earth.

"Please Tyler. If you truly care about me and you mean me no harm, then you will go. I want you to leave" Alison pleaded to him looking him straight in his eyes and shaking a bit.
Tyler's face dropped, he was so ashamed of his actions, it was written all over his face.

Tyler left, on his way out he had tried to apologize to her again, but she turned her back to him.


I gave her a small smile there was really no reason to thank me, if she only knew what I most likely would have done to him if she hadn't been watching us.

She walked to the liquor and filled up the glass I had handed her before Tyler came in. She took a big sip before turning to me again. She was still looking a little scared, I just wished it was because of Tyler and not me... I know really selfish, but I can't have her scared of me.

"What about Matt?" She took a breath and looked really sad "Tell me what Matt is, I can handle it, even if you tell me that the best friend I have in this town is a vampire, werewolf or a freaking unicorn"

Ha a unicorn I really wanted to burst into laughter, but Ali was actually being serious, which only made it that much more funny, but hell I can't blame her for thinking the way she did, but still Matt a unicorn. I smiled at her keeping my self from laughing at her.

"Matt is human, but he knows all about us" I said still smiling.

"Oh thank god!" She blurted out, I guess she really wanted her friend to be human, completely understandable.

Alison's POV:

I was so relieved to find out Matt was human, don't get me wrong I would have accepted pretty much any creature he might be, he had been such an amazing friend to me since I came to town, but still it's nice to know that some of the people around me are human.

For the next couple of hours we talked about what it meant to be a vampire, he told me how to become one, how to kill one, everything. He also told me about Elena being a doppelgänger, not that I really understood that part, but it had something to do with the vampire that turned Stefan and Damon, she apparently looks exactly like Elena, a little creepy.
Damon became a little irritated with me because of my idiotic questions.

"For the last time, I don't sparkle in the sun, vampires burn, unless they have daylight objects like my ring! And no I don't envy Edward Cullen's freaking mind reading!" He told me impatient.

I laughed, yeah I managed to find some humor in all this mess, he looked at me relishing I had been teasing him with my twilight reffrences. We both laughed loud.

"What's so funny? And why are you guys up this early?" Stefan asked, he had just come home himself. God I hadn't even notice the sun come up, I looked at my phone to see it was 07.20 am.

I felt my body tense up when I saw Stefan, I don't know why, Damon had told me Stefan doesn't even drink human blood, and I know that Stefan would never hurt me, but all of a sudden I am very aware of the fact that his a vampire.

"Hey Ali are you ok?" Stefan asked confused, he must be wondering what changed so suddenly from me laughing to seeing me so tense. Damon looked at Stefan and then back at me, he stroke my arm and gave me a reassuring look, to remind me that I was safe, neither of them would hurt me.

Damon had suggested that I went and had some breakfast, while he had a chat with his brother. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some eggs and milk to make scrambled eggs, I put over a pot of coffee, not that I usually drink a lot of coffee, but so much had happened and I had not slept for what felt like days, so I needed my caffeine. My stomach growled when the food started to fill the room with it's smell, I guess I hadn't eaten in a while either..

Damon's POV:

"What do you mean you told her everything?! Wasn't that something that we all should have discussed before? Damon you can be so selfish sometimes! I know that you like her, so what? you hoped that if you were the one to tell her about it all she might dump Tyler and fall for you?! So let me guess you told her that Tyler is the bad guy the scary wolf and you are the good vampire that can protect her?! I can't believe you!" Stefan yelled at me.

"Are you done?!" I snapped at him, he nodded, he had that awful disappointing look in his eyes, like that would have any effect on me.

"If you had given me a chance to explain dear brother, I could have told you that Tyler turned in front of her, attacked her, I had to feed her my blood and then I was kind of forced to tell her everything! I told her Tyler wasn't in control of his actions and he didn't mean to hurt her!" I said short tempered, my brother always expects the worst from me! And for once I had done the best I could in order to make things easier for Alison, well f*ck him.

Stefan looked shocked and sad, then he looked really guilty, he'd better feel bad, like I would ever manipulate Alison!

"sorry Damon, I just didn't want her to be dragged into all this yet, but am sorry it's not your fault" Stefan was truly sorry and he of cause always had to be the better man.

"All is forgiven" I said and walked up to him

"Thank you Damon, I really am sorry" he said again.

"Oh I know you are" I said and punched him square in the face, he looked up at me a little surprised. I walked towards the kitchen to be with Alison, don't misunderstand the punch, I did forgive my brother I just don't think he should be able to get away with it without getting a piece of my mind and besides that is how I forgive, I am a asshole that way, but hell at least it made me feel better.


So there it is, chapter fifteen, that came pretty quick:) please review, fan me, vote and all that stuff for the story if you'd like me to update more chapters:) other than that just have a great day:)

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