32. Fears

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Chapter thirty two

Stefan's POV:

Damon left to tell Alison the truth.. I had to keep reminding myself that it was a good thing and that it was only right for Damon to be the one to break it to her. Though I wish it would be me. I wanted to be the one to tell her, the one to comfort her and take her in my arms.

These feelings that I have for Alison is so god damn confusing! I mean I'm with Elena, we are together and I love her so much but there's really no denying that I have fallen for Alison as well..

At first I didn't think Damon could tell, but he knows. I know he does.

I'm surprised he hasn't brought it up yet or well killed me.. But I guess he's been too busy screwing up their relationship to take notice of me.

I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to act on these feeling for her. She's Damon's and I'm with Elena but I can't help but hope when Damon breaks her heart she'll come looking for me..

God I have got to stop thinking like that! I wouldn't cheat on Elena and Alison doesn't even feel the same way about me.. At least I'm fairly certain that she doesn't.

I don't quite know what to do with myself, I'm just kinder walking the streets of Mystic Falls with no real destination. I want to go home and be there for Ali but I know that's not my job and I shouldn't even want to.

Here I am starring at the door getting the courage to walk in there. I listen closely and I can hear she's the only one at home. I just need to go in there, take her in my arms and kiss her and everything else will work it selfs out..

I walk in and look around, I hear her walking around upstairs in her room.

"Stefan what are you.." I don't let her finish that sentence as I just rush to her and brings my hands to her cheeks cupping her face. I look in her eyes and see them flash with confusion for a second but then she blinks and looks up at me again this time I see love or at least what I recon as love shinning through her eyes.

She loves me.

I smash my lips to her soft ones and they move in sync making us both pant for air as the kiss is one of the most passionate kisses I've ever had.

We pull apart and she smiles a loving smile at me. I don't know how I could be so confused, this is clearly what is right.

"This is quite the surprise" her angel like voice makes me so happy and I know I'm most likely wearing the most goofy looking smile right about now.

"Elena I love you so much! That's just what I wanted to tell you. And that I'm sorry if I've been a little distant lately" I look into her brown eyes and she gives me a small nod accepting my apology.

"I love you too Stefan" Elena says while pulling me in for a hug.

Damon's POV:

You freaking coward! Walk in that god damned door and tell her what you did! Now!

That's pretty much been the inner war in my head the last 10 minutes.

I'm ashamed to confess I have thought of other options.. Like compelling her or let someone else tell her but I know I could never do any of those things. Not to her.

As I step through the front door I immediately smell her in the dinning room. She must have just taken a shower because the smell of her vanilla shampoo is very evident in her house.

As I see her there with her back turned to me I know I was right. Her hair is hanging loosely down her back still damp from the shower. She's wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a simple black sleeveless top. She looks absolutely beautiful without even trying.

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