6. Compel

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Chapter six:

"DAMON! WHAT THE HELL! I screamed at him while panicked trying to cover my chest with my hands, I tried to spot where I had tossed my shirt.
Tyler jumped up and I heard him made the weirdest sound.

"Tyler did you just growl..?" I gave him a skeptical glare

I found my shirt and bend down to get it, the second I did, Damon gave me a very oblivious look with lust in his eyes. Tyler caught on and saw Damon looking at me, he literally jumped him and again a deep growl erupted from his throat. I completely forgot about my shirt and instead made the mistake of jumping in between the two guys.
I have no idea how it's possible but I was hit by what looked like Damon's arm and it literally tossed me across the room, I could have sworn such strength would have been impossible but there I was, sitting against the wall. I with a shaking hand felt on the back of my head, when I did I could feel how my hand instantly became sticky with my blood.

"Ali are you alright, can I do something fore you?" Tyler asked me with a worried look.

"You can get the hell out of here, leave it to me DOG!" Damon said with so much disgust towards Tyler, it made me crumble.

"Leave her with YOU!?" Tyler spat out "you were the one who did this to her!"

"I'll compel her. It's the only way. On less you would like to explain the hole turning in to a dog thing!" I must have been really confused from my head injury, because Tyler and Damon weren't making any sense... Compel... ? Turning in to a dog?

I looked up to see Tyler leave, but not before he mouthed 'Sorry' to me. I tried to get up, but my legs wobbled under me, but instead of hitting the floor I felt Damon's arms rap tight around me. He carried me to my bed, it felt like he was running really fast, but I figured I was just still a little confused. Damon put me in bed and rapped me in my comfy covers. He then looked at me like something was breaking his heart, it was almost to much to take.

"Sweet Alison, I'm so sorry, I never wanted to have to compel you, but this is not the way you should found out" Damon was truly sorry, I just couldn't figure out what the hell he was talking about.
I put my hand on his cheek, I might not know what was going on, but I knew it made Damon sad and all I wanted was to make him feel better.
Damon closed his eyes by my touch. A few moments after he opened them, but this time with a different look in his eyes it was like his pupils changed form.

"Alison you will not remember that I tossed you across the room, nor will you remember Tyler and I fighting - you will remember your date with Tyler and how he dropped you of here but then he left, you came in and fumbled with the lights and you couldn't get it to work so you walked up the stairs in the dark, there you slipped and fell down, witch caused the bump you got on your head."

I woke up thinking about Tyler, it was a great first date and I were hoping he would call me. Yesterday after my date I had been so stupid, I had fallen down the stairs and hit my head. Stefan almost freaked out when he found out, I overhead him telling Damon it wasn't safe fore me to live here... Completely ridiculous, like it was Damon's fault I had been a big clumsy..

"Hey guys do we have some aspirin around here somewhere?" I asked walking in to the kitchen where I found Damon and Stefan having one of their staring contest.
Non of them answered my question, hell they didn't even acknowledge that I was in the room.

"Look! I have a massive headache and this is getting old - what ever is going on between you guys, get fucking over it!" By now they were both looking at me. "I'm going back to bed, since you guys are making me mad."

I stormed of, but I still caught an eye of Stefan looking really guilty, that guy is so serious, he needs to lighten up, but still he also needed to hear what I had to say.

A few hours later Damon came knocking on my door, he had brought a tray of breakfast.

"Since Stefan and I were being so brooding downstairs, you didn't get anything to eat, so I figured I would bring you some." Damon sounded like the situation was new to him, but well from what Stefan, Tyler and Matt says about Damon he doesn't do a lot of decent things.

"Well thanks Damon, I appreciate it" I gave him a forced on smile because my head was killing me.

"Your head still hurts?" Damon looked a little guilty. He then slipped under my covers with the tray still in his hand. I thought about telling him to leave, he properly shouldn't be in my bed with me, but it was kinder nice.
I ate all the food he had prepared fore me, eggs, toast, bacon and fresh pressed orange juice. My eyes then started to feel heavy and I laid down again, I was almost of to lala land when I felt Damon's lips softly against my cheek, I fought with my eyes to open, but instead I wandered of to a deep slumber.


I know I said that I might not update, but once in a awhile I get a little Internet connection, so here it is. I hope you liked Damon and Tyler's little spat:) please vote and comment - I have a pretty good idea about where the story is heading, but I am totally open fore suggestions:)

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