29. Coming home again

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Chapter twenty nine

Damon's POV:

When I saw Ali return home it warmed my heart, Christ I sound lame... But it really did, I'd missed her so much and now here she is.

"Can I give you a hand with those?" I gestured to her bags that seemed a little to heavy for her.

God I'm so glad she's home.

"No" her answer was as cold as her expression. That's when it sank in, she's back but she's not back for me..

I lost her.

I felt the tears threaten to escape my eyes but I held it in and watched as she dragged her stuff with her and shut the door behind her.

I was clinging on to the glass of bourbon or was it scotch.. I'm not even sure, I just grabbed the closest bottle and filled my glass. I took a few miserable sips before throwing the glass into the fireplace, making the fire expand a bit. I dropped in the couch and let the tears fall.

My mind was catching up with me and I was realizing I had lost the love of my life, I really thought she would have forgiven me, I knew she was hurt but I thought she felt as I do and couldn't stand to be without me.. I will have to live with her now, without being able to touch her, kiss her and tell her I love her. It'll be torture. Torture I can't go through, I'll have to leave.

Alison can stay here, she has friends here and a job I know she loves, yes that is the right thing for me to do, Stefan will look after her and make sure know one hurts her. She'll find someone new, someone good, someone who's human..

Thinking about her with someone else makes the tears fall even faster.

I was so cut up in my thoughts that I didn't hear her coming down before she sucked in a surprised breath. I jumped out of my seat and desperately tried to wipe away my fallen tears, but I knew she'd already seen me.

My mind were all over the place trying to find something to say, but before words were able to be formed I felt her soft lips on mine.

I was shocked for the first few seconds but I quickly recovered and put my hands on her hips and brought her small body closer to mine.

I can't believe she's in my arms again, it feels like it's been far longer than it actually has since I last held her like this.

Fuck everything I just thought, this is what is right.

I licked her bottom lip asking for access to deepen the kiss, which she tried to deny me but she couldn't hold her ground for long before she parted her lips and granted me the access I desired.

I lowered my hands to her thighs and picked her up so she could wrap her legs around my waist. As soon as she was steady I used my vamp speed to bring us to the nearest wall. I slammed her against the wall hard enough for her to moan loudly, but stil careful not to hurt her.

By now both of our breathing was coming out in pants. I could use the wall to keep her up so I removed one hand from her thigh and traced it up along her stomach, rips and finally cupped her full breast, she let out another moan, I smirked at her reaction to me.

I brought my lips to her neck and left a trail of kisses while still cupping her breast, making sure to be rough as I know she likes. She tangled her small fingers in my hair and pulled hard enough for me to let out a groan in pleasure.

I pushed my hips a little further out to meet hers, she smirked and I'm sure she could feel my arousal against her.

I rested my forehead on hers and looked her in the eye.

Secrets in Mystic Falls (Damon Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now