19. Rebekah

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Chapter nineteen

Alison's POV:

I was a wake but fighting my eyes to open, apparently my eyes didn't think it was time to get up. It finally succeed, but only to be surprised about what I saw. Stefan. In my bed, what the... Oh thats right, it slowly came back to me, the awful night, Stefan waking me up and staying with me.. Way to go Alison! now both of the brothers know something is up with you, and there are no way in hell they are gonna let this one go.

I tried to sneak out of bed without waking Stefan, but not an easy task to perform, when the guy you are trying not to wake is a freaking vampire! Just as I had gracefully swung my legs out of the bed, Stefan moved and not long after that he opened his eyes. He was looking at me, and oh dear he was worried!

"Hey Ali you ok?" There was so much worrying in his deep carrying voice.

I can't believe I put him through that. This has been happening to me for a long time now so as unpleasant as it is I have leaned to live with the nightmares, but I really didn't want it effecting anyone else and here we are with Stefan looking so worried.. How am I gonna get myself out of this one?

"Stef I get that you must be really worried about me, but the truth is that am fine" okay it might not be the truth but how else will I get him to back of..

"Am I really suppose to believe that?! Do you not realize what happened last night?" Shit! He is not letting this go.

"Sweetie I had a nightmare, let it go" I was trying to butter him up, calling him sweetie sometimes helped.. But not this time. He vamp speeded in front of me as I was trying to get to the bathroom.

"A nightmare! Are you kidding me? It sounded like you were dying!" Stefan almost yelled in my face, I were taking back for a second, Stefan is usually the calm and collected one. He saw my surprise.

"Sorry Ali but listen you need to..." I didn't give him the opportunity to finish his little speech.

"No! You listen to me! Leave it alone! You hear me, leave it the fuck alone!" I screamed at him and walked past him to my bathroom, I locked the door and leaned up the door before sliding down to the floor and started crying, dammit I have been crying a lot lately.

Damon's POV:

Last night when I had brought Alison and myself home I decided not to go with her inside the house, stupid choice! I should have taken her in my arms, told her that what ever was going on I was here for her, I should have convinced her everything will be ok, but instead I drove to this bar, one of favorite hiding places, it's a bar outside Mystic Falls.

It was morning now and I was still drinking, but I wasn't drunk, cause I wasn't drinking alcohol, I was having a taste of a pretty little blonde thing. She was delicious but nothing I did, could make me forget Alison's face last night, I needed to get back to the boardinghouse and check on Alison, I can't believe I just left her.

I was on my way back to Mystic Falls when Elena called me, I wanted to ignore the call, but as usual I couldn't get myself to do it, she might need me.

'What can I do for my favorite doppelgänger' I answered the phone sarcastically.

'Damon! Rebekah is here! She's at my house! Argh... Argh...' That was the last I heard before the line died.

Shit shit shit I stepped on the speeder and broke every traffic rule there is. Rebekah is part of this original family, the original family of vampires, very powerful and immortal, driving a wooden stake through their hearts, won't do you much good. The original family had some business with Elena because she's a Petrova doppelgänger, last year one of them wanted to kill her for a ritual. I thought we were done with them but apparently the sister had some unresolved business she needed to settle with Elena.

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