Chapter 21: 2 AM

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I could hear laughs coming from the front seats. They had really deep voices. And they didn't seem familiar...either. I tried to listen to them with all the strength I had left.

" God damn yes we got her!" said one of them. Again...I couldn't understand who it was. There was too much distraction to hear. Then they high-fived.

But how would they know that it would be ME in that house, ASLEEP in that room, with my WINDOW open? Hmm...I tried to think but I was already suffocating too much. I tried to yelp...barely peeping.

" Hey...did you hear that?" asked the other one. understanding of those voices. I was about to lose concious.

" Good thing that we're here..." said one. They closed their doors and opened the trunk and luckily one of them poked me an air hole. I could finally breath. The carried me like a potato sack and I'm guessing into some building. Yes...they did.

They tied me to a chair and I was struggling to get out but I was tied strong. Then they lifted the bag off of me...and I was tied to a rolling chair in the middle of an empty ware-house. And they shined the bright lights onto me. They stood next to me and lifted my hair. I wondered why but I didn't say a word. They lifted my hair to tie my mouth with tape. They tied it around several times with duct tape.

The two masked figures pulled up chairs for themselves and they sat down. They looked at each other and I studied. Then...after a few minutes of just staring at each other...they nodded and took off their masks.

God damn I should've known.


I started to scream and struggle but they just laughed.

" You're so cute when you're struggling like know. I should take a picture..." said Chanyeol as he took his phone out of his pocket. Kris slapped it away.

" Are you crazy Chanyeol? That'll be proof that she's been tied up!" exclaimed Kris. Chanyeol nodded in understandment. Kris was SURELY the smarter, BRAINS behind this investigation. He stood up and circled around me.

Chanyeol sat there.

" flower..." he said petting my head. I shrugged and moved it away from him. " Do you know why you're here with us?"

I shook my head in confusion. Chanyeol wanted to talk but Kris told him to be quiet.

" We're here because both Chanyeol and I are CRAZY for you. And honestly..." he said. He moved up closer to me and whispered at my right ear. " I know your little secret about you and Yixing. But don't worry...Chanyeol doesn't know about it. YET....Anyway. So...since you upset us by rejecting us both...we're here to FORCE you. We're here to FORCE you to date us and if you don't...well...we have our ways. Whoever you pick...will basically be your owner. You'll sign this contract. Yes. At your own will. But...we'll have your signature. You'll do whatever we want for 2 months. Then we'll renew the contract...for life or at least until we're sick of you."

Kris went and sat down. They both smirked at me and stared at me with an evil glare. I was honestly a little more scared of Kris...since I've seen what he'll do...but it's not like I wasn't scared of Chanyeol.

" Now pick!" exclaimed Chanyeol. I looked at him with a seriously face. He jumped up and untied my mouth. Finally...I had freedom from my mouth.

" No! You can't make me! I'd rather die here than be your property! No! And plus...I have two people looking out for me. Tao has a tracking device on me. Thank god. You can do whatever you want but he'll come and find me in the morning!" I exclaimed. Chanyeol looked at Kris and Kris smiled.

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