Chapter 51: EXO-M

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The chef finished cooking everything...and ironically mine was the last to finish. He took my plate which was right in front of me and placed my order on the plate.

" And here's the chicken katsu for the beautiful girl..." said the chef. I smiled, only out of politeness. The guys got jealous. Aha sometimes I like to do things like that on purpose because their reactions are HILARIOUS!

" Hey, stop hitting on her!" exclaimed Kris. The chef turned back.

" I wasn't! It was just a compliment..." said the chef. He was suddenly scared of Kris. " Now, before I leave, would you like to order anything else?"

Suho smirked. He ordered a whole other round of food just to torture him, and see him work. Suho, Suho, Suho.

The chef rolled his eyes but began cooking again. What's even funnier is that the chef had just finished scrubbing and cleaning the surface, so now it was going to get dirty again! Suho...sometimes you're just too god damn evil...or maybe too rich. $uho.

The chef, though, made the best out of the situation and started cracking more jokes, and even pranking a little. Lol this chef, though...!

He finished cooking and he left.

The guys were eating like always...and as always I was the first one done because I eat the least. Kai looked at my plate.

" Are you gonna eat that?" he asked, looking at my chicken.

"" I said. Suho slapped Kai, but he still continued talking.

" Can I have it?" he asked. OK...? Weird...

" Sh, Sure?" I said, as I handed him my plate over Suho. He finished my plate, too.

" Kai, don't eat like a pig. At least thank the girl for giving her food," said Suho.

" Thanks," he said as he swallowed another piece of chicken. God, this guy IS obsessed with chicken...and maybe it's unhealthy...

Finally, we all finished eating and we decided to head home. This time, K didn't join us. It's good to know that they aren't going to CONSTANTLY be around us...but maybe they'll come over these other nights, since I AM staying over for another 2 nights PLUS this one. We head into the car and we sat in the different positions. (just a reminder :)

Chen (driver)             Yixing (passenger

          Xiumin, Karrera, Kris, Luhan

What was surprising was that Kris VOLUNTARILY sat next to me. Aish, this guy. Will he ever be over me? I thought just now he was mad at me for not going out with me...

I was pretty sleepy so I closed my eyes, and I shortly fell asleep.

Xiumin's Point of View:

I think I'm beginning to like Karrera. Not just as a friend, but the next step. I already know how so many guys are into her, and even one of my best friends are her boyfriend, but I can't help it. My feelings are taking over. Is that too weird? Well, I guess I can't argue with that.

Anyway, I tried to forget about it and we started talking to Yixing. Karrera, by now, was fast asleep.

" Yixing, don't you wanna be the one sitting next to Karrera?" I asked. He shrugged.

" I...I guess I do...but I guys are her" he said. I guess he wants her to hang out with us too. He's such a good sport.

" Wait, are you not into her anymore?" asked Kris, enthusiastically. Yixing chuckled.

" Kris, no. Of course I am," he replied.

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