Chapter 65: Plan

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" WHAT!? MARRIED!?" exclaimed Tao. We had gone to Tao's house with Yixing to tell him about the news. I was still sobbing a bit so Yixing explained it all. " HOW FREAKING RETARDED CAN OUR PARENTS BE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO YOU!?"

I started crying again and Tao and Yixing both gave me a hug.

" No. You know what? This CAN'T happen. We're all...all 3 of us...going to fight back against them. I always thought that our parents were selfish and careless and only cared about money...but THIS. THIS was way too much. They've REALLY lost it here," said Tao, rubbing my back to comfort me. I wiped my tears away with a tissue. " Right Karrer?"

I nodded.

" And no one can EVER seperate us against our will...OK?" said Yixing. He used his thumb and wiped away another tear that was falling down my right cheek.

" You know what? I can't STAND the fact that they're doing something like this. Something so CRUEL. And I also can't stand the fact seeing you cry like this. I'm calling mom right now," said Tao. I wanted to tell him not to but the words wouldn't flow out of my mouth. He took his phone out of his pocket and called our mom. She answered and Tao put the phone on speaker and placed it at the coffee table.

" Hello?" asked mom.

" Mom," said Tao. He was going to be SO cold and this was NOT going to end up pretty.

" Oh, Tao," said mom. You could hear the disgust out of her mouth. And just a reminder, you can see how much my mom doesn't like me, right? Well now imagine that Tao was her LEAST favorite. Imagine how much she must HATE Tao. " Hi."

" Mom what is this!? What have you done to Karrer!? Forcing her to marry someone against her own will when she doesn't want to! And you know why this is? Because you and father are LAZY. Selfish. Rude. Cruel. GREEDY. You don't want to lose a single penny so instead you're ruining your daughter's life just to keep your damn job. And you know what's even worse? You're RICH. RICH AS HELL. And so it's not like you're dependant on that money. I mean, you're god damn freaking multi millionaires! You own hundreds of millions! Almost a freaking billionaire! And yet you STILL choose to do this to Karrer! Just let Mr. Wang fire dad! You can buy another company or business or hotel or mall! I can't believe I have such greedy and disrespectful parents..." said Tao. WHOA. Did NOT see that coming. Yixing and my jaws dropped.

" Tao, don't say things like that," said mom. And you know why she didn't fight back? Because that's the TRUTH. The reality.

" Accept it. I just explained EVERYTHING 100%. Which is why you didn't disagree like always. I said the truth," said Tao. " And you also have to realize the monsters you are. You know what happened? On our side? Karrera was having a great time with Yixing. They went out and Yixing even got a TATTOO for her. A TATTOO mom. A TATTOO. And they were having a really great and enjoyable time, until the devil called. And she said that Karrera had to basically break up with the love of her life to marry this son of a multi millionaire. And ever since then, she's been crying rivers. I mean, she's STILL crying. She's right next to me. She's listening to everything. But she's silent because she's crying. Anything to say to her, mom?"

Yixing, Tao, and I all focused on the phone to see what she was going to say.

" Karrera, dear. I'm sorry. But you know that we have to do this for the best. I know you might think we're monsters, but we're not. It's not like you were going to marry that Yixing. It's not like he was your fiancèè or anything. Zheng is a very nice boy. And you'll love him. But we can't break the deal that we made with Mr. Wang. I'm sorry, but you have to marry him. No matter how much you hate him, you have to. Mr. Wang said that Zheng needs to get married and Zheng chose the girl he loves, who's you. Mr. Wang said that unless Zheng marries the girl who he wants, who's you, Mr. Wang will fire father," said mom. She sighed and took a deep breath. And before anyone could speak again, she hung up. She hung up on us. I wanted to cry again but I'm not the cry baby type. This is probably the most I've ever cried in my life COMBINED. I held in my tears and I just rested my head on the back of the couch.

Tao and Yixing both took a deep breath.

" You know what? We need to make a plan. This can't happen," said Yixing. I nodded. Tao was silent for a few minutes until he formed a smirk.

" What?" I asked.

" I think I have a plan..." said Tao. Yixing and I both jumped.

" What? Really? What!" we both exclaimed in unison.

" Mom said that Zheng needs to get married to the girl he loves, right?And she said that Mr. Wang won't give dad's job until Zheng is married to the girl he loves. Sadly, you're the girl he loves. But what if you weren't?" said Tao. Yixing and I both looked confused but still listened. " Well, when you fly there to meet Zheng, I have a plan. Yixing, you can stay back in Korea. But I'll go with Karrer to Shanghai , since that's where our family is now and Zheng's, too. Mom said that we were flying in 2 days. I promise that this'll work and you two won't have to split."

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