Deep Thoughts (2)

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Lauren's pov

(I woke up to a glass breaking and seconds later a scream. I turned to see Aria wasn't next to me. Soon I heard a lot of moves from around the house. "What's going on?" I quickly sliped in my flip flops and run downstairs as fast as I could)

Nate's pov

(Me and the boys started running downstairs and in our way out we saw George and Reece and without saying a single word we run down all together in the darkness)

George's pov

("Me and Reece aren't the only ones who heard the scream and the braking glass. It really happened we weren't dreaming")

Reece's pov

(We went down and saw a light from the kitchen. We all headed there and opened the lights. There was Blake with his back turned to us and down broken glasses and.. "Blood? Whose blood?")

L-Reece? George????

Aria's pov

(He came towards me and looked quite scared)
B-Sorry for scaring you. You don't wear shoes you can't walk on the glass. Let me carry you out of the kitchen (He touch my hand and I automatically like a reflex leaned back causing me to step on broken piesces and scream from pain while almost falling but he cough me right on time. My foot was killing me so I didn't resist. I was holding my need for scream. The pain was intense. He placed me to the closest chair of he room. As soon as he sat me down and stood up...)

Blake's pov

(I heard steps from beside me and turned to face the boys opening the light and with clear vision now I could tell that they were really worried and confused on what happened. From all this mess what cought my eyes was a female figure among the boys. Can she be her? Is she here to? Can she.... Is she?.. Oh God....)

George's pov
("Why is there blood and what is Blake doing here? Why is there broken pieces?" Nothing made sense that moment. I turned to face the others hoping they'll know but they all just had an aware look on their faces just like me. I then heard a familiar female voice calling mine and Reece's name. I turned to face her and...*)


Blake's pov
("That is her! Can she be? On please not!" )

L-Reece? George????

(slowly with fear I turned back to see who I was sitting In front of and... my theory was true. It indeed was her...)
B-A... Aria?
A-Uhm... hi...

Blake's pov
Le-You guys know each other?
L-Well we are that unlucky to do so.
N-What's going on?
Au -What happened?
A-The... The glass fell. I scared. I scared seing someone standing there and it. Fell.
B-Sorry about it...
A-That's fine. I scared. Get scared. over everything.
("she is lying! I know her well enough to know when she is lying but I don't want to keep this dialog to go any farther. I just want this to finish and all of us go to sleep. Things are already awkward enought. But... Could I... Was I the reason why? Did she know it was me? I mean.. I'd get socked if I saw who she was and probably wouldn't try to carry her or catch her. Not even touch her. But with me its different. I'm still-")

Nate's Pov
A- Blake! Blake hello! *he yelled louder and continuously snaped his fingers right in front of his face*
BLAKE! ("He finaly came back from his thoughts. What could he be thinking of that made him so focused on that? There's seriously something going on with them and the girls. But what?")

B-Huh? What?
A-What's wrong? You were deep lost in your thoughts.
B-Yeah sorry.

Blake's pov
("I guess I was lost for a long time. By now Lauren was holding a towel tight around Aria's Injured foot. Lauren is giving me a death glare. She's telling Nate to hold the towel. It's coming. It's coming! She is coming!")
*steps backwards while Lauren walks towards him*
L-It's good that you're still afraid of me cause you really should!
B-Why me? What have I done?
L-How can you ask? After everything you did?
Le-After did what?
A-Maybe not now. We've already had enought for tonight can we just go back to bed?
L-I'm sleeping on the couch.
A-No why?
L-You need space for your foot. Plus, I don't want to sound selfish but I really don't wanna sleep with a hella bloody foot.
A-Yeah I know. I don't blame on you. But don't lose your comfort. I should go to the couch. I don't feel like sleeping anyways and I'd like to watch some tv.
L-You're saying it just for me.
N-None of you has to sleep on the couch. Aria stay in bed. Lauren you can stay with Levi. I could go to the couch.
Le-Yeah like when we were younger.
A-No guys I really don't feel like sleeping! I swear! Stay the way you are.
L-Then I'll stay awake with you.
A-No you are tired.
D-I'll do. I can't sleep anyways either. And don't even think of dennying! I'm staying up. And i don't need an answer I'll just do so. ("He grabed her to carry her to the couch. I can't say that I wasn't missing that or that I'm not jealous. But it's all over now. Blaria belongs to the past and it has to stay there. We are over no matter how much it hurts")

Arias Pov
R-Blake? BLAKE!
B-WHAT??? *angrily*
Le-Chill bro! You're doing it again!
("Angry? Well I've only seen him like that that week. But he was worst then and I swear I saw tears before he wiped them away no matter how many times he dennyied it. I really wanna cry right now. But Drew destroyed my chance of doing that. Even thought there is always the choice of the bathroom. I can't get mad at him though. He is so sweet always! And kind, and amazing")
D-ARIA! What's wrong with deep thoughts today?
D-That's fine. Are you fine?
A-Yeah good thanks. Is everyone on their rooms?
D-I think Laurens cleaning the kitchen but yeah the others.
A-Fine. Why standing? Sit here. ("I really wanted him close to me right now but I don't know why so bad....")
A-Sorry Droo. I don't want to do this.
D-You really are not fine.
A-Maybe not.
D-Come here
(he grabbed my hands and pulled me in his hug. "I feel so warm in here. And so safe! I never wanna leave. But... it feels like...")

Blake's pov
B-It's my mess let me clean it.
L-Don't pretend the saint to me I know what type of a bitch you are and  don't hide!
B-Why so cold at me? I should be the one none talking because you and your Friend Are the only ones who deserves to be treated like trash in here!
(she threw me and the broom and left the room full of anger "I have to calm. She is completely nuts! How can she be like that? I should be the one being like that why doing it? I've been the one who's been hurted, alone, broken and abandoned. How can they? I'm done with them. Blaria is over for ever and always". After cleaning the glasses which took me a few minutes I headed upstairs but there was Drew and aria cuddling on the couch. She was layed on his chest while he had his head on top of hers and his hands one around her neck and with the other he was holding her head close to him. I couldn't really see her hands so I assumed they were around his waist. I can't deny it I was heartbroken. It reminded me of us...)

Aria's pov

"...hugging by the stars while listening to music. Or when watching horror movies he was always holding me kinda like that: one hand around my neck,the other holding my head against his chest. I used to feel so strong in there and nothing could scare me.  Can I still? It's not him it's ... DREW!" I quickly pulled out when I realized Drew was the one holding me and I immediately felt really uncomfortable.)

A-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do It! I Just thought of something
D-It's fine. Want me to choose a movie?
A-Yes please.
D-What type?
A-Anything but romantic or horror.
D-Yeah I can't agree more than that. Except, I really don't want musical right now.
A-Oh yeah. Not in the mood at all.

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