Party Part 5 (8)

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Arias pov
L-Hey you made it! Aria you are walking quite fine!
A-Yeah you have no idea how much paper and cotton there is in the shoe *giggles*
D-Better than nothing. Guys this is Jessica. Jessica this is Blake and Aria.
B-We know each other.
J-Yeah I'm his stylist remember?
D-Yeah sorry..
J-That's fine ("she fought his hand! Are they together?") It's nice meeting you Aria. I've heard a lot about you.
A-Really from who?
(*I felt air coming from behind me and I turned to see what it was and there there was Blake making air to hiself*)
A-Why are you making air?
B-Because It's hot.
A-That or you're trynna say something?
B-Like what?
A-Like <<No>>
B-Why say that?
A-Jessica who did?
J-The boys. They say that they've missed you.
A-Ok.. ("I can see at Blake's face the he is laying. Was he the one talking about me? So cute!")
B-So what did you wanna show us?
L-I found a cave!
L-Well not in here but yeah. Wanna go explore?
A-Yeah! Wait... Where's Lauren Reece and George?
L-George went to tell them.
B-You really believe he will tell Lauren?
B-No. Better someone else to search for her. She will definately throw something in my head if I try to talk to her *giggles akward*
A-Aw! That's true *laughs and Blake gives her a glare and she leans closer to him hugging his arm softly and he attached his fingers with hers*
N-*with a fake smile* Aww cuties! *frowns* I hate such things!
A-Of course. That's why you'll never get a girlfriend.
N-Are you together?
D-Why took you so long to answer? You wanna hide it?
A/B-No we are not *in a calm way*
D-You look sweet though!
J-Yeah. I haven't seen you together some other time than now but you look really cute!
G-You two? (*we turned both in the same time to see an aware/surprised George and an kinda relieved Reece*)
B-Hey guys. We have a lot to talk about. (*in that time Lauren and Levi came*)
L-Why holding hands? BLAKE!
("I was sure she'd punch him as she was walking towards him with anger. I jumped in front of him and stopped grabbing her from her arm while still holding Blake and leading them away from the others telling George and Reece to come. Lauren released her self from my gasp but Blake kept holding me tight*. "It feels so good feeling him close to me!")
*at the bathroom*
L-You dragged us all the way to the barroom? Really Aria?
A-We need to clear up some things. And please be more friendly. It at least try to be for as long as we are talking. Blake can you please tell?
B-Still backing up? *smirks*
A-Yeah... you know me... *she made a cute face saying 'I'm innocent'and he smiled bright and hugged her*
G-Uhm... Hello? What is going on? Are you guys back or back?
A-We are friends.

Blake's pov
A-We are friends.(*Have I just been friendzoned?*)
R-You just friendzoned him.
A-No I did- Oh yeah I did. Sorry about it. Didn't mean it like this.
B-Thank you!
A-You're welcome! *Blake smiled at her once again and she smiles back*
L-Uhm... Gross? *sarcastically*
G-So what's go in on?
(*we explained them everything and then we all apologised to each other and espesually Lauren. We just found out that the piece of food that came out of nowhere and landed on his head at almost the beginning was from her. She really seems to hate Reece for a reason. We then agreed in not telling anyone the real reason why we were like that and then we made a big group hug and headed back to the others all smiling*)
A-How can you be that smily when leaving more grumpy than the world's grampiest person?
R-We made up! Misunderstood solved and now we are friends again! *all the others were nodding on that*
L-And now that we are all friends let's go! (*we followed him all the way out and then we were going more and more away from the place. I felt like Aria was scared so I placed my hand in her shoulder*)
B-Are you fine?
A-Yeah. I'm just a little scared you know I'm not really into darkness.
B-Jess I do. Do you happen to also be cold?
A-Do you happen to read minds?
B-Well you know me in a psychic.
B-Here you can have my coat.
A-Won't you be cold?
B-Better me than you but no I won't☺

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