Chains (35)

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Au-Where are you?
G-*screams* HELP!!
L-Please stop!
Au-Where do you have him? *keeps screaming*
Au-WHERE??? JOSH? *George stops screaming and the call ends*
L-Where Is he?
Au-I only heard chains... It could be anywhere...
D-They have to an close so that they can know what were doing.
Au-What do you mean?
N-When we were talking about what to do with Austin and I run away I went all around the hotel including the bottom and the roof. There was a door that cought my attention and I went for a closer look. I heard some weird sounds including something like chains and small items falling. Kt sounded like it had echo. When I tried to open the door it was locked and I heard steps heading towards me so I run.
Au-WHY HADEN'T YOU TELL IT EARLIER? *Runs and everyone runs behind him*
N-I was wrong...
Au-No. There's blood here.
L-Is it... George's?
Au-Can't tell for sure.
N-Where else can they be?
Au-I have no idea.
Le-Can't you call the "Secret Service" to help you?
Au-They are trying.
Le-Do you Know what? All these are Bullshit! You are in no secret Servise, you have no badge,am date the reason why George isn't here. And you guys, if you really aren't with him in the whole "let's destroy the bands the tour and kill some singers" shit then you are way too stupid for believing him!
D-And you are way too stupid not to! Austin is supposed to be out friend and we should support him! You know very well that secret agents shouldn't show their identities no matter what it else they will lose their job or who knows what else! Furthermore, the situation seems way too dangerous to let things go this way. Trust him or not you should give him a Chang because maybe he IS lying maybe he is not. And if he is really not you are in giant danger and really need him! And if he is lying then at least we know that George won't be in as danger as he would if we didn't at least pretend that we trust him so stop being a fool and give him a chance!
Le-Who's side are you really? And how many sides do you have?
D-Only one you were supposed to know it.
Le-How can I? The one day you are nothing but a singer probably in danger and the other you break into our rooms and "protect us" from someone who is probably called "AUSTIN" but are you stupid to see!
Brad-I don't want to destroy that "friendly" moment between you two but what if Drew is right? You really want to risk your friends life? We will be fine we just have to keep them close. You have to give them a chance.
Le-I'm out of this! Do whatever you want with this but I'm leaving. Stay talk on your own. *walks to the door*
Le-Austin open the door.
Au-What do you mean?
Au-I mean unlock the door! Where's the key?
Au-I didn't do anything.
A-We're locked?
B-Don't worr-
A-No! You really don't think that I can trust you right after Austin's story do you?
B-I thought after what we've been throug you-
A-No. I can't that easily trust right now. No-one can trust anyone actualy.
B-So... we're breaking up apart?
A-Untill they real truth comes out. But not completely braking up. We're just having a break.
B-But I've done nothing!
A-The only "nothing" that was done is what you told me! We were supposed for all each other everything! We promised! A a you broke that promise and for God's shake who knows how many others! I cant trust you Blake! You lied to me! AGAIN!
B-I'm not lying to you!
A-You are not? I know when you're lying! You don't know a thinf about what's going on, I don't know know who has to do what with the story... I dont have signal?
B-I swear I didn't have signal!
A-Yeah but the others?
B-I... *looks at the floor with sad face*
B-I'm sorry...
A-Don't bother. An apology won't fix anything.

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