<<Shampoo>> (14)

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(Another exhausting day went by and the night came. The day was depressing and boring especially for Blake whom wasn't able to eat it drink. He pretended to be fine so that the fans wouldn't worry but he really wasn't. He wasn't talking, he was just sat on a chair next to us with his phone is his hands checking out tweets and stuffs. When he wanted to say something he was texting us even thought we were next to him. We were texting all the noon and out conversation is full of 'I miss your kisses' and 'I love you' and other similar. He was really emotional. It's late now and we went to sleep. This time him laying his head looking up and is quite away. The only connection out skin has is out entwined hands. I don't want to sleep. I just want his smiel back. That's all I'm asking for. Him be happy. How can a small injury shock him that much? There must have been something else...)
("THE NOICE! HE IS BACK! I DON'T NEED BLAKE! I'M GONNA MAKE HIM PAY FOR BLAKEY AND REECE! NO-ONE MESES WITH MT BOYFRIEND AMD BEST FRIEND!" I opened my eyes and slowly let go of Blake's hand to make sure he wouldn't wake up even a deep sleeper. I walked towards the bathroom without making any noise. The door was just a little open but I couldn't see because it was dark. I grabbed the chandelier that was on the table next to me and opened the lights fully opening the door right away. The guy scared and slipped but stood back in his feet)
Au-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up.
A-What... what are you doing here?
Au-I... I... wanted something.
Au-Uhm.. first of all ti see hiw you are doing and then I needed a.. shampoo.
A-So you came for shampoo..
A-Why that late? It's like three.
A-Drew what?
Au-He... messed up with the food and he is covered in it. His hair is sticky.
A-And why didn't you call me to bring you? Or give it to you? Or show you where it is? And how did you get in?
Au-Probably the way the thief went in yesterday.
R-SORRY... Sorry mate.
A-How did you get in?
Au-The door was unlocked. You better secure it.
A-Yeah probably.
Au-I'm going now. Sorry for waking you up. And messing your bathroom.
A-It's fine.
(I cleaned a little the bathroom and then placed a chair in front of the door. I turned iff the lights and went back to bed to find Reece on his phone and Blake sleeping on the side of his head. I turned it upwards so that the stitches wouldn't touch anywhere and he'd hurt.Reece told me to go to him and so I did after grabbing my phone. A layed next to him and we we speaking whispering )
R-What did he want?
A-He said something for Drew and food and messing and sticky hair.
R-We will find out tomorrow. Why didn't I hear his call? And why didn't he call me to open him?
A-He didn't at all.
R-What do you mean?*frowned*
A-I just heard steps in the bathroom.
R-And went to see what it was?
R-*whispershouting I hope it makes sense* ARE YOU INSANE? WHAT IF HE WAS THE YESTERDAY'S THIEF?
A-I was hopping about it.
A-Then if he proud cause my goal was and IS to make him pay for you and Blake.
R-And how will you do it?
A-I don't know. Punching him. Seeing who he is. Sue him.
R-In your own?
A-Do you doubt me?
R-No! Just it's just you. Yesterday it was me AND Blake and you see what happened. We ended up in the hospital. Blake at least but I was on bed.
A-I know.
R-You shouldn't go alone. You should wake me up.
A-I didn't want to bother you. You had a rough day.
R-And so did you.
A-Yeah but not that much. Plus you had a really rough night.
R-No matter what you shouldn't. Please don't do it again!
A-Nothing would have happened and nothing will happen. Don't worry.
R-I can't! I love you very much. I can't seeing you hurt. It already hurts me seeing you was about Blake. Me, you, Lauren George and Blake vac already been through a lot. I dont want more.
A-Me and Blake went throughr everything.
R-Not only. You don't know how we were feeling and all the angry attacks we had to go through. You don't know the story in the background. We got hurt too... not as much as you but we did.
A-I'm sorry for what you had to go through.
R-It's fine as long as things are fine.
A-I missed having small conversations like this.
R-I know! These were the best! We were staying up nights and nights talking...
A-Yeah... so many memories...
R-That now we can relive.
A-That's amazing ☺
(We spended hours talking and I fell asleep on him without knowing. I missed moments like this and I was glad we could do them again. Something was telling me that the best day would be amazing but little did I know what was expecting me and the guys...)

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