Bradley-Nate-James (25)

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Brad-I don't want to an mean but can you stop sharing at the river and move your butt a little? We are supposed to search not share at the water.
N-Something is wrong but I don't know what...
Brad-What's wrong is that you're not helping...
N-It seems like there is something flooding in the water but my phone's flashlight isn't strong enought. Can we somehow go closer?
J-Yeahm and in the meantime kill ourselves. But lets try it it may be fun.
N-I'm not kidding!
Brad-Even if you are right it has to be a dead fish or something. What were looking for is Lauren Jessica Jennifer George and Drew. I dont think the river will help us find them.
N-But I feel like there is something important in there!
J-There isn't. Can we please go on?
N-If you'd and go but I'm going down there.
Brad-No you won't.
N-Watch me! *jumped the dance and gets in the forest. Brad and James follows him*
N-What are you doing?
Brad-We are supposed to take care of you. We can't leave you alone.
N-I'm not a lot. You're like 3 years older what care are you talking about?
J-The care of the band and the member of the band SIGNED with the band. We are the "bosses" and what a boss is supposed to do except from giving instructions and obeys is also protecting his "employees".
Brad-And... it's dangerous and you are out friend and we don't want anything bad to happen to you.
N-Ok then...
J-So. Where are we going?
N-A are following the trail and hope we won't die falling to any cliff or in the river. *Brad laughs and when he sees Nates face he stops and puts a serious face on*
Brad-Wait you're serious?
N-Unfortunately yes.
J-Maybe we should... i dont know... dont risk it and go back?
N-Casual "boss". When it comes ti the hard part they back up and leave it it all on the "Employees". If you want go ahead and leave i dont care. I can do it on my own.
Brad-We won't. James play and walk down.
N-Flashlights on. *they went deeper ing he forest and soon they were by the river. There were no cliffs but the only danger was when going really down to the river because the way was like a ramp and if they tripped they would roll all the way down untill they'll call in the river. James slipped once but Brad and Nate managed to catch him. After quite a long time going down they finaly reaches the river*
J-Great. We are alive. Now what?
N-Now we might the river to see what's flooding.
J-There better be something.
Brad-Shut up and light! *they all lighted up the river in the same spots and moved the lifts almost in synchronism*
Brad-You were right!
N-We need a brunch or something.
J-There's long one next to Brad.
Brad-Where? Got it. I'll catch it.
N-I'm taller.
Brad-It's away not high!
N-Yeah but The taller the rarest your hand can go.
Brad-Whatever. Just do it.
N-Hold me... *He pulled the object towards them*
J-Bloody hell!

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