Confusions (39)

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Aria's Pov
("I woke up not feeling my body. I am weak. I can't even open my eyes. What happened last night? I will just hug Blake and go back to- Blake?"
Without a second thought I opened my eyes and jumped us shouting Blake's name. I looked around. Blake were nowhere to be seen. It was just me Laur Reece and Levi staring at me terrified. But... "Why Levi? Isn't George supposed to be wirh us and Levi with Drew? Wait... Austin?")
A-Where's Austin?
Le-I'm his room
Le-Him too.
L-Are you doing this on purpose?
A-Doing what?
R-Why were you shouting the boyses names?
A-I had an awful nightmare.
Le-What was it?
A-I don't remember well... Its confused. Austin was working for a secret something I think police... Blake Mate Tristan and Drew were helping him. George was kidnapped... And there was that creepy guy Rey... Ray something. He had a plan with Au- THEY WANT TO HURT US!
R-Aria! Dream! Almost. What you said he happen but there is no Rey-Person around.
A-Austin is bad?😢
R-As he says no but we don't know yet for sure. He is supposed to work for the secret Servise.
L-You really don't remember anything?
A-No... I'm confused... Really confused... I was dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming... No. Dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm... No... Dreaming that I'm dreaming that I'm Drea-
R-I'm ok we get it! You were dreaming inside your dream congrats. But can you try to say the dream? I'm really aware of what happened.
A-I don't really remember it...
R-The way you do. From the last thing you remember. Don't worry we will know what happened.
A-Well uhm... We splitted up because we had fight or something?
Le-We were locked in the basement.
A-Yeah I remember that... Hardly but I do. Then we came here?
R-Yeah. What do you remember?
A-Joe gathered Dean and Waddy and they were whispering giving random looks around. Then I somehow was in Austin's room. But it was bigger and brighter. But outside dark. Blake was crying. Drew was trying to make him feel better but it was worthless. The boys were walking around talking and then... The door knocked. Austin opened. It was that Rey-Guy. He said that Josh and Dinah was cought but the weren't the ones who has George. In the start they were talking loud so that the boys would hear them too but I'm the end they were whispering. I could see and hear everythign as if I was there but I wasn't. In the end I was. I'm the halway. They are saying things about hurting an teams and... things. Then they said they wanted to make me join their team and they saw me then. Nate started coming by my side with a scary smirk on his face... I was running around the hotel. The previous hotel. I fell where Blake were pushed and then I woke up. In Blake's arms...😪 He was trying to comfort me but I was shouting and pushing him away. He said that I was dreaming. Nothing had happen. His stitches were from playign football with The Vamps. He was coming closer and closer to me... I was pushing him away... There was blood... Yeah there was blood. We were in the forest. He said that I slipped and fell. Hit my head. That's why I was so confused. Have I hit my head?
Le-As we know no.
a-What's... Going on with...
R-You and Blake?
R-You are having a break... *A tear rolled from Arias eyes*
A-We have to find George. I dont think this dream was random. Let's go to the forest. And we have to take the guys with us.
Le-Aria where are you going?
A-We need the boys. They know more.
*Blake opens the door and smiles as soon as he sees her*
("His smile! How can I stay away from it? And how can I speak without make it faint?")
A-I'd rather we won't talk except if there is reason... ("It fainted😣")
B-Yeah of course... Will you come in or...?
A-Yeah. ("Natey is sleeping. He is so adorable...")
B-Austin went to bring us something to eat. Tristan is with him for security reasons. Drew is with Joe and you can see where's Nate. You can sit and wait for Austin. He will be here soon.
A-Great... ("I want to jump in his arms and never let go... I don't knwo how I will handle this situation... We can't stay like this. I have to talk to him... Bring something up...")
A-How come you and are awake that early?
B-Its not early....
A-It is for you. And even if it wasn't you always wake up last.
B-That's true... You know me well...😔
A-Please don't do it...
B-I'm sotry. I don't mean to do It.
A-I know... ........ So? Why up?
B-I didn't sleep.
B-I couldn't. I was too broken to. I still am.
N-You're here! It's true! *runs to her and hugs her*
(His hug! I've miss it! But I can't do it!) *Pushes him away*
A-What are you doing?
N-Aren't we friends?
A-No! Yeah... I dont know. I'm confused.
N-It was a dream?
N-I'm sorry then..😔.... What are you doing here?
A-I need to speak to Austin. And you...
Au-Austin's here and so is Drew. What's up Ari?
A-I want to dark you something...s
Au-Go ahead. I'm willing to answer everything. What's wrong? 😦
A-Could we... go somewhere more private?
Au-Boys can-
A-No no leave them. I was thinking we could go.
Au-Aren't you scared?
A-To death but I want to risk it.
Au-Ok. Let's go.
Au-So... Where at we going?
A-To look for George in the forest while you'll be answering my questions.
Au-You freak me out a little...
A-That's good.
A-Because I'm sick of being the sensitive cute crybaby. I want to be toughter.
Au-O....k. So. Where do we start from?
A-I need to know everything about you.
Au-Do you see that too?
A-See wha- Not again!

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