Tristan/Reece-Connor (26)

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C-Is this Laurens?
R-I'm afraid so... they are here somewhere.
T-COME QUICKY! *Run to Tristan*
C-What happened?
T-I don't know! I found her here layed.
R-She is bleeding. We need to take her to the hospital.
C-And tell the others.
T-There is no signal here how can we?
R-Two will take Lauren back to the hotel and the other will go find the others.
C-One on his own? Are you insane? It's dangerous!
R-We cant all go to the hotel but there cant be only one with Lauren. Go Lauren I will find the others.
C-No way!
T-I'm bigger in any way. I will go find them. I can take care of my self.
R-I'm in your height!
T-Yeah but you are young. You and Connor take her to the hotel and if it needs to the hospital. I'm going. Take care...
R-Take care too...

Tristans pov
(I'm walking for hours and noone is to be seen. I'm calling their names, checking my phone every second for signal and still nothing. The place starts to freak me out. All it is is an endless road full of darkness bashes trees. I need to find someone fas- What was that? Oh no! DAMN IT DAMN DAMN IT RUN YOU TRISTAN RIN! FASTER! YOU CAN DO IT! RUN!!!)

Reece and Connor
*Lauren opens her eyes and starts screaming crying and telling for help while kicking Reece trying to escape*
R-Lauren calm! calm. CALM!
R-Calm down! It's just me and Connor.
C-What hapened?
L-I... don't know... all I remember is me Jessica and one more girl running. There were screams and... cries... and... fights. Someone was fighting. Austin! Austin was there. And Drew.. and someone else. I hadn't see him before. I dont know who he is but he reminds me something... Where are we?
C- In the endless road outside our hotel.
C-We were looking for you and the others.
L-Why? And why here?
C-It's It's giant story we will tell you not in the way home. And because Levi called Jessica, the other girl you said you don't know and he said he sounded water so we were looking for a river or somethifn and apparently the only one is somewhere here.
L-What happened to then call?
R-He said that he heard someone falloing in water.
L-When did he call her? Who
R-Levi called Jessica and he said that there were screams and she only said "help" then she screamed and her phone must had fall and then she said "please Austin don't" or something like this and then there was a crack like a phone braking and the call ended.
L-*whispering* "Please Austin don't do it"
L-Please Austin don't do it. I remember this.
C-What happened?
L-I don't remember. Where are the others?
C-Tristan somewhere around looking for the others whicj are also somewhere around.
L-Why? No! It's dangerous! Let's go find him!
C-We can't! You need to rest! And you're blessing!
L-I'm fine i can walk and that's just a scratch let's go find Tristan now before som... *hears screams*
C-Is that...
R-RUN! Can you run?
L-I don't care of I can't. My friend woths more I will try.

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