Rescue Part 2:Action (45)

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Blake's Pov
(We started scroling. Reece in front, then Lauren and then me. I couldn't really see Lauren I was just following her lights-bracelets things and hoping I was going right. We made it to the bush and got our backpacks. They have fake guns for a reason. To be more specific nerfs. I dont know how much they will help us if we need them but we hopefully won't do.)
L-Nerfs? For real?
R-I wasn't the one who chose them!
R-The signal! Cat's down. Up next is the Bird. *They hear footsteps close to them and Lauren jumps and hugs Reece*
R-Calm. He's ours. That's what will happen from now on. We will all be changing positions according to the signals.
L-Why don't we just run to the tree?
R-Its not that simple. We have to do everything carefully. If they find out George may be in more danger.
L-Right. So now?
R-We wait in silence for the signal.
B-How is this supposed to help?
R-Its confusing. I can't explain you right now.
(We waited in silence for the next two signals. First the Bird, then the Owl's. I'm the wolf's we are going to get ready for ours)
R-The wolf's! That's us! Guys close to me! Were going to the bush right there see? *points with his finger*
B-The one with the yellow cloth?
L-Why are there clothes?
R-Each team has a color. Ours is yellow. That's why yellow guns bracelets and backpacks. This way we won't confuse each other. Now quiet out signal is close!......................................
L-There it is!
R-Do excacrly what I'm doing!
B-Got it!
(We kinda scrolled kinda run kinda jump and did some acrobatics. And instead of going directly opossite we went around some trees and Reece left some things on the ground including a blue cloth probably for the next team)
R-We made it! Now we wait for the rock!)
L-Is someone seriously going to throw us a rock?
R-No. Blair is going to ROLL it here. He is close in the next bush so it won't be hard. Don't worry. Lauren when this happens scroll that way *shows her* and leave the pink cloth that's in the front pocket of your back the way I left the blue one and then run beside the one with the green cloth.
Blake, you scroll there*points* and leave the same way as I left mine your orange cloth and then run to the light blue one. Run as fast and quiet as you can to the last bush!
B-Got it!
(I scrolled all the way to the bush I was supposed to go and secured the cloth. Then I got back on my feet and run to the bush with the light blue one. A man is there. This has to be...)
B-You're Mark right?
Mark-And you're Blake.
M-Great. Here's that to do next.
Lauren's Pov
(I scrawled to the first bush, left the cloth and run to the orange one)
Luke-Good. Here's the Plan.
Reece's pov
Brad-Hey man.
Brad-Everyone in his place?
R-Hopefully yeah. They seemed to go to the right way and do the right thing. I'm scared thought of how Blake is going to take the Plan...
Brad-Bad for sure. But I think that maybe it will be better if he knows it this way. He will be more willing to help and stronger and everything. You know how much he likes Aria.
R-Excactly. He will eb really posses and sad.
Brad-And disappointed.
Laurens Pov
Luke-Please don't shout!
L-How not shout ? You put my bestie's life in danger!
Luke-I already explained you!
L-I know but still! You knwo that Blake is going to be devastrated! But you are not his friend you obviously don't care!😑
Luke-I am not heartless thought! I know that it hurts for you to know but this has to happen!
L-I hate this plan!
Luke -Nobody likes it but you ahve no other choice. I'm sorry...
Blake's Pov
B-So we just wait for him to come?
Mark-Yes. Remember: Eyes around and if you see him make the sound that wolfs do. If you HEAR the sound of wolf instead, then get in your place and then....

*Hello. I'm really sorry for the awful updates I'm trying my best😔 I only get to write when I'm at school and waiting for the bell to ring so I don't really have full chapters ready. For that reason I will have to make short chapters and update about once a week. Sorry again😔*

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