Party Part 6 : Perfume (9)

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~Hours after the house exploration ans back to the party~

*all of them on a corner talking*
Br-So Lauren, how do you feel that your cousin is famous now?
L-Its amazing! I never doubted about it he's always been so talanted!
Ja-Yeah he really is. All the lads are.
L-Yeah that's true. You must be really happy you have sucj talented guys signed to you.
Br-Oh that's for sure. They are all of them extremely talented and we couldn't be signed with better ones.
T-That's completely true. And you seem cool person's and were glad you are going to join us on tour girls.
A-L-Thank you☺
A-That's very sweet of you to say.
Au-That aren't always they sweet dont let them fool you today.
J-Yeah you will see what we mean by the time.
Br-Nah we're fine.
C-Nah we're not they are right.
L-You seem cool though.
R-The last thing they are.
Ja-Ok don't scare them!
A-We are fine. We know then well enough to tell when they are kidding.
Br-We still are trying and sometime a don't get the right message.
L-We know then either years and way too much so it's normal.
C-We know then quite a long time too but now that they are all together is the problem. When apart it's way easier.
A-Yeah I get your point to be honest.
T-Soo.. we know how you know the Tide but has have you met with New Hope Club?
A-I was with Blake in a year-long project about three years ago. We got close with spending time together-
T-And fell in love
A-Started to hang out out of school.
T-Oh. So you weren't together?
B-Yeah, we weren't.
Ja-Oh. Ok. Are you sure? You look like lying.
A-Nope. Just friends.
N-Then why were you ready to kill each other untill a few hours ago?
B-There's been a Misunderstanding but now we are fine. We talked about it.
L-You.. Aria. Blake? Perfume!
L-You were together! You Aria were with someone you met from a school's project for 2 years and he who broke your heart half year ago. You two have been like an ex-Couple. And Bla-
A-It wasn't him.
L-Let me finish.
D-No dude it's not him.
L-Let me-
Au-Drew said it too so he must know.
D-I sai-
A-Drew drop it. It's fine.
L-Blake has been heartbroken over the past half year and as said to us he was lovesick and been betrayed from his for-2-years girlfriend. And... *looked at Aria* Perfume is for you!
A-What's perfume?
B-Nonononononononk don't it's not. It's nothing. It's not!
L-It is!
B-It's not!
R-Dude he's right!
L-What's perfume?
J-The song?
A-What song?
D-Your song. Levi is right! You still like her.
R-Dude drop it! You've been cut!
A-What's perfume?
B-A... A... Song. An original one.
G-For you.
A-Wait... Really?
B-I can't deny it forever so.. yeah...
L-Can we hear it?
A-Yeah song it.
B-What now?
L-Yeah why?
B-No I don't think so.
A-Let Reece and George do then.
R-Would you mind?
B-Just.. be quick.
R/G-"My room, still smells of your-perfume, It's like I'm... Lying here next youuu! Try to figure it out, what you're all about,cause I don't want to loose,the smell of your perfume, tomorrow"
A-Is that really how you felt?
Au-Maybe don't talk now? Better without us.
B-I don't care. You'll hear it anyway.
Au-Yeah we wouldn't like to destroy that night huh?
D-Just let them. If you don't want it hear them just go away.
B-Maybe we will. Wanna go dance?
A-You're not going away with that.
B-I know. I just want to dance. Except if you'd like me to dance with Loren or Jessica.
A-No I would love to dance☺
B-Great. Let's go😊

*in the dancing floor*
A-So... is that song really for me?
B-It's not your song but it's how I felt for you all these months.
A-Really perfume?
B-Yeah... my room smelled of your perfume for quite a long time and so did some of my clothes. I didn't want to loose that smell. That was the only thing I got from you. I was really broken. You have no idea how hard it had been for me...
A-You think that for me it was easy? I've been crying everyday all day. You have no idea how bad I was.
B-I was crying too. I've missed you very much.
A-Now you- *she's been interrupted by Austin*
Au-Hey guys!
Au-How is the talk going?
B-It could have been better if you didn't interrupt us every once in a while.
Au-But I've just came once.
A-You are coming all day in the most important parts!
Au-Well I'm sorry! I don't do it on purpose! Important like?
A-Reasons why. Can you please leave?
Au-I was hoping to stay with you. Talk Talk little you know.
B-Austin please we need to talk!
Au-Fine! Fine! I'll go!
*after he left
Blake pulls out his phone*
A-What are you doing?
B-Texting Nate. I'm tired of him interrupting us.
A-I know... And why will you tell him?
B-I just told him to try to keep him away and he said he'll keep him bussy.
A-That's great. Can we go back to the dance now?
B-Yeah *Blake placed his hands again around her waist and Aria hers around his neck slowly dancing to the song playing*
B-So... where were we?
A-well, we were saying about perfume.
B-Oh yeah that it was all oven my room and my clothes.
A-Yeah. Mine smelled like you too to be honest.
B-Your pillow smelled a lot. It really was like lying next to you smelling it.
A-I know. I sometimes was hugging it imaging that was you. I still do sometimes...
B-I've never stopped doing it.
A-Can you please sing me a part of it?
B-"It's tearing me,it's tearing me apart,think a girl like you leaving my heart I don't want half a heart. You left,you left way too soon.I wake up, and in not next to you, but I'm left with your perfume *high note*"
A-This sounds amazing.
B-Yeah but it hurts when it comes to sing it.
B-Because I feel the pain I was feeling the first days. When I woke up alone, when I wasn't able to see your smile again, when I knew I screwed up but didn't know where. Watching you broken that day broke be more. I was wishing everyday to be back together.
A-So did I. I wished you would turn again to the amazing guy I felt in love with. The one that made me smile without doing wnything. The one who always made me feel good for me and I was never scared to do anything. I could just do anything with you by my side.
B-I could also do everything with you next to me to- *before finishing the world Aria slipped and fell backwards but Blake caught her like In the picture*
A-You always catch me.
B-Of course I do. When I said I would never let you down I meant it. Almost.
A-You actually did. You were never the one writing the messages. You were never mean to me. You never did anything wrong. You never let me down.
B-And I never will. Aria... I miss you more than anything..
A-I miss you too. You have no idea how important you are to me.
B-I still... like you.
A-I never stopped.
B-Me neither. And even when I saw you instead of remembering all that happened and hate you I was just loving you more.
A-I was feeling the same. I still am. I've loved you way too much to hate you.
B-Should we try again?
A-I really want to but I'm scared...
B-No don't be. After that we will be more careful and it won't happen again. I promise I will take care of you more than ever. You will never regret it.
A-I believe you. And I want to try again more that anything.
B-All I want to do more that anything is to be able to hold you and call you mine again. I miss it...
A-I miss being called yours. And hugging you. And feeling you close. These few hours has being amazing but being friends just isn't enough. I need more.
B-I know *They slowly brought their heads closer and closer untill their lips were finaly together. Aria has one hand on his right hand and the other was at his neck while he had both his hands around her back holding her to keep her from falling like exactly like In the picture. After a long while they pulled away, Blake helped Aria stand up and they kept dancing this time with Aria layed on his chest,her hands around his back and his around her lower waist*

✔Perfume |Blake Richardson |CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now