《This One Too》 (55)

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Lauren's pov

"Ladies and gentlemen. We will be arriving at London in about 15 minutes. Please stay on seats and put on your seatbelts. Thank you for choosing our company and we hope you enjoyed your flight. Have a great day and rest flight."

("That's it. We almost made it to London. Soon I will be by her side. Please her to be alright!")

Blake's Pov
("A few more minutes to the ground a few more hours to the hospital a few more days to hold her. I will hold her again. Won't I?")
Lauren's pov
(I shouted and run towards her as she pulled me in a tight hug. You could see the worry and the fear on her face. Her parents were even worst. Her mum was swallowed from the crying and she had really bad dark circles around her eyes. Aunt and uncle were here too.)
Le-Mum? Dad? What are you doing here?
Le(vis)Mum-We couldn't not come knowing Aria is that had
A.(rias)Mum-Bla... Blake? Is that you?
A.Mum-Are together again?
B-Kinda. I don't know either.
A(rias)Dad-Take a seat. We are alone here.
(We all sat and said nothing. Everyone was silent waiting for a doctor to update us on how Aria is doing. The only thing you could hear was the footsteps of people or doctors paring through, sometimes the passenger's or the doctor's voices)

Austin's pov
("I'm so close to them and I don't know what to do. I want to run and tell them everything but I know that's not the moment. But what if it'll never 've the moment? What if things and up being worst after I'll tell them?
What if they won't believe me? What if they won't accept me? What if everything goes wrong?
What if they don't like me?
But what if that will make them happy for a moment and forget about Aria?
But isn't it had to think like that?
Why forget about Aria and focus on me? She is a priority right now and she has to stay. Her problem is more important than mine. But I need to take this off of my chest. I can't keep it. I'm already holding it for days. But I can't. And I won't. I will wait. Or shouldn't?" Someone calling my name made me snap out of my thoughts. I raised my head to see Reece. He gave me a concerned look and took my hand drugging me out to the balcony)
R-I thought you needed some air. Also, what are you thinking?
Au-I don't know if I should tell them now or later or never.
R-Just wait for the right moment.
Au-Yes but what if it won't come?
R-There's always a right moment for everything. Don't worry. Everything will happen on time.
Au-Thanks mate.
R-Don't thank me.
(We stayed at the balcony for a little while staring at the sky without saying anything. Everything was peaceful until we heard a lot of steps and turned to face a group of doctors running in the surgery room. We run to the others who were staring at them trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn't hard to guess. Her mum- our mum started crying louder than before. Add started tearing and everyone in this room was upset. Blake was going crazy. He had his head in his hands hiding his face but we all could tell he was crying. I started tearing too. Everyone was tearing. We were all messed up)

Blake's pov
(A group of doctors went running in the surgery room. No one told us what was going on but we knew. I couldn't keep my tears. I placed my head in my hands and started crying. Everything came back. It was my fault. The way she felt to the ground. The way she looked at me. If I cought her on time she wouldn't be that bad. She wouldn't be in danger. The way she placed her arms around me when she was slowly leaving her last breaths. Her last words. The once she never finished. It's all my fault. All of it.I should never let her go)

Reece's pov
(Everything was so sad. Austin was going crazy, Blake was dying from his guilts more than ever, Arias and Austin's mum was in the worst codiction. She was crying yelling things while Mr Collins was trying to comfort her but it wasn't working as he was sad too. Joe and Waddy looked worried and sad but mostly worried. I was lots in this moment but the only thing that stayed in my mind was one phrase; <<Please don't take this one too>>. She was talking about her dead son. Or for us who knows, Austin.)
R-This is the time. Austin. Do it now.
Au-I can't.
R-Austin now trust me!
Au-But I can't!
R-If you won't I will!
Au-I... I... can't 😣
(I couldn't let that moment pass. So I said it.)
R-Your son is-

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