POVS Part 1: Blake's (15)

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Blake's pov
(The first thing I did when I woke up was to head my hand towards Aria. I couldn't find her so I opened my eyes. She wasn't there. "She went for night talk with Reece she must have fell asleep on him. She always does" I turned towards Reece's bed:Just an empty bed. Even the bedsheets where on the floor and Reece's and Aria's phone were also on the floor. "They must have been close. They go nowhere without their phone especialy Aria")
B-Aria? Reece?
("No respond. Where are they?" I checked my phone. 6.30. "So late and they are not here? Breakfast isn't even served yet. Call someone? What if I wake them up? I can't stay worrying though. I'll call George." He didn't pick it up. I called Lauren. She didn't either. I then started with The Tide. Austin didn't. Drew didn't. Nate didn't. "Where is everybody? Should I worry?" I kept calling. Levi, then Brad, James... No one picked up. I started to worry a lot. I went to George's room. The door was slightly open. I didn't bother to knock I just walked in. Bedsheets and pillows on the floor. Her phone was in the middle of the room and the screen was broken. I picked it up. It was muted. The mortification from my call on her nottifications window. I tried to unlock it. Thankfully she didn't change her code. It was still on the messages. One conversation cought my attention: Unknown number. I opened it. It started the night.
3 AM:Unknown number➡ Hello sweetie.
3.01 AM Unknown number➡ Ignoring me sweetie? I know you're awake I can see you.
3.02 AM Unknown number➡Tell your coward friend that I know he is scared.
3.05 AM Unknown number➡The window on the bathroom didn't brake in its own. Just saying.
3.07 AM Unknown number➡Of you don't want more things to break answer.
3.08 AM You➡Who are you and how did you get this number?
3.08 AM Unknown number➡I have my ways.
3.08 AN Unknown number-I can either be a friend or an enemy. It depends on you.
3.10 AM You➡What do you want from me?
3.10 AM Unknown number➡We will talk later sweetie. Rest a little.
3.11 AM You➡No wait! Tell me who you are!
4.08 AM➡The one who broke your doors handle.
4.08 AM You➡If you wanna mess with someone better do it face to face.
4.09 AM Unknown number➡Got the lead Levi?
4.09 AM You➡Leave my cousin alone or you'll have to deal with ME
4.15 AM Unknown number➡I would love to see your face punched
4.16 AM You➡Come fight me if you dare
4.20 AM Unknown number➡Everything on its time
4.21 AM You➡I swear if you hurt her you are dead

("He must be that guy.. Where is everyone now?" I walked over to Brads and James room, Then to Tristans and Connors, then Austin and Drews, Levis and Nates, Wandys, Deans... "Only Joe's is left. The better be there." I wakes to the third floor where his room was and knocked the door. No answer. I knocked again. Laurens phone rang. I picked it up.
You have 1 new message
I opened it

6.43 AM Unknown number➡Sweetie isn't there. Noone is. The all left and with that you beside.
I knocked the door again
6.44 AM Unknown number➡It's not worthy go away
6.45 AM You➡Who are you?

I knocked again. This time I heard steps and whispers. The only thing I recognized was my name.
B-Guys it's me open. I can hear you!

I heard steps again. They were getting closer and closer. The door opened. The next thing that showed up was a determined Joe a dangerous Drew and an angry Levi. I looked at them they looked at me and then I looked inside. They were all there. Joe drugged me in and then Aria run to me faster than ever. She hugged me tight and started crying on my shoulder. I hugged her tighter holding her head.

B-What happened? Why are you all here? What's with Laurens messages?
Joe-How did you know about them?
B-I woke up not seeing Reece and Aria and worried so I assumed that they were in Georges and Laurens room and went there first. I saw the phone and I opened it. I don't know why but something was telling me to.
Le-You have the phone!
B-Yeah. Better take it I've had enought with it.
Levi-He texted you too?
B-Who is he?
Levi-Someone who hates us.
B-Aria are you ok? Why are you crying?
A-I thought... that you... you were... He said.... I can't😭😭😭😭
B-Calm baby I'm here. Can someone please explain me what happened why you're all here and why no-one told me anything?
D-Its a rely long story..
B-I don't care. I need to know.
R-Come here and we'll tell you.

(I took Aria in a side hug and we walked to the beds where they all where. I sat on an empty spot I found in the sofa and Aria say on my lap hugging me and me hugging back. Lauren was sleeping and Reece was standing next to her stroking her back and holding her hand while she was layed right next to him with her head touching his thigh. George started telling me what happened...)

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