POVS Part 3: Aria and Reece (17)

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Arias pov
(The phone rang and I jumped imidiately picking it up so that no-one would wake up. It was Levi.)
A-Levi? What's up?... Why? Is something wrong,l? Are you worried or something?... You cant cool me Jones. Did somethign happen?... What? You better tell me!
R-We're in our way. We'll run don't worry.
R-Let's go.
(We jumped out of bed throwing everything on the floor but we didn't care. We just run. We closed the door slowly so that Blake wouldn't wake up and we run as fast as we could. I tripped and almost fell but Reece cought me just on time and we kept running. In seconds we were on the doorstep and how opened right away when we said it's us. Lauren run to Reece and so did him. He cought her head with his hands and put his forehead on hers rubbing her cheeck and kissing her nose sometimes now and then. My heart was braking. I knew George liked her and that he'd be dying inside. I walked over to him and hugged him tight)
A-I know...
A-That you like her.
A-I know you well.
G-Please don't let go of me.
A-Don't worry. I won't...
(We were hugging for at least 5 minutes. What tore us apart was a text to Joe.)
Joe-Stop what you are doing and call everyone to come here.
Joe-DO IT!
Le-I'll call Nate. He's alone.
A-Blake's alone!
G-I'm calling Brad.
R-My phones down. Aria for yours?
A-No... Joe where you calling?
Joe-Police. QUICKLY WITH THE... Hello? Police station right? Yeah...
A-Next call Blake!
Le- Nates on his way and he will take the vamps.
Le-Sorry I'll call him now...... It's off.
R-Call both mine or Arias phone
Le-.....Reece's is off..... And so is Arias.
A-Please let's just go take him! *knock on the door*
R-I got it.
Br-What's the matter? Why did you wake u... What's happening?
G-He striked again.
A-Did you see Blake on your way here?
Br-No why?
G-His phone is close and so is Arias and Reeces.
Ja-Should we go down take him?
A-Yes please!
C-Not you.
Joe-Police is on its way. Who is missing?
Joe-Doesn't he pick up?
R-Mine Arias and Blake's phones are all off.
Au-How relax! What happened?
Joe-He texted me saying he has Blake.
T-We need to go down! *Joe's phones rings*
Joe-Oh no!
A-What? Something new?
Br-I'll read it.
A-Give ME! *grabbed the phone of Brads hands and read it. Bursts in tears right away. Brad hugged her*
Br-It all will be fine relax!
Le-What's wrong? Give me....

"If you try to come check on him he is dead. The knife is new and it die to use it. Or should I say HE?"

L-Oh my!
Le-It has a picture. If Blake and the knife.
G-Aria... *He hugged her and Reece and Lauren joined them in a group hug and after that all the others including Wandy Dean and Josh.*

Reeces pov
("Aria is so bad. Worst than everyone else. But I don't blame on her. She just found him again why loose him... I don't want to think of that things but it's so dangerous! I don't have to tell her!" It's currently 5:30. The police isn't here, respond from the 'Unknown number'. We have no idea what's Blake doing. If he's fine... anything. We're just hoping. Arias stop crying in Georges arm having all the phones that are in the room in front of her and holding Joe's. There's dead silence....)
(It's 6:30. No respond. Noone talking. Aria still staring at the phones in Georges arms. Laurens sleeping close to my thigh. It's so boring...)
(It's 6:40. Joe's phone rang. Everyone but me and Lauren jumped from their seats to go and see the text)
R-Read it out loud I can't move!
Le- "Get ready. You are about to have a visit soon. Maybe it will have something from..."
Br-Something from?
Le-"Bla... Blake..."
G-Ari Ari Ari! Ari! Relax... We won't..
A-We will! *starts crying*
Le-"On it's way :》" with a very creepy smiley emoji.
A-I can't do it... I can't see... I sign want to see him separated!
Ja-Hey! It's alright! Everythign fine! You won't! He won't be! *knock on the door*
C-Ok everyone calm down! Stay quiet!
Joe-Drew and Levi with me. The rest spread along the room. Reece keep protecting Lauren. *another knock*
Joe-Let's go.
A-He has my Blakey😭😭😭
G-Calm it will be ok...
B-Guys it's me open. I can hear you!
T-This night me a trap!
Dean-Take it slow!
Wandy-No-one talk. Go boys.
(The next thing happened was a determined Joe a dangerous Drew and an angry Levi walking towards the door. They opened it. It indeed was Blake with all his parts on his body. Joe drugged him in and then Aria run to him faster than ever. She hugged him tight and started crying on his shoulder. He hugged her tighter holding her head. )
B-What happened? Why are you all here? What's with Laurens messages?
Joe-How did you know about them?
B-I woke up not seeing Reece and Aria and worried so I assumed that they were in Georges and Laurens room and went there first. I saw the phone and I opened it. I don't know why but something was telling me to.
Le-You have the phone!
B-Yeah. Better take it I've had enought with it.
Levi-He texted you too?
B-Who is he?
Levi-Someone who hates us.
B-Aria are you ok? Why are you crying?
A-I thought... that you... you were... He said.... I can't😭😭😭😭
B-Calm baby I'm here. Can someone please explain me what happened why you're all here and why no-one told me anything?
D-Its a rely long story..
B-I don't care. I need to know.
R-Come here and we'll tell you.

(He took Aria in a side hug and they came towards us. They sat on an empty spot in the sofa and Aria was on his lap hugging each other. Lauren was still sleeping and I was still standing next to her stroking her back and holding her hand. George started telling him what happened...)

*I published that chapter yesterday or at least that's what I thought untill now. Sorry about it😢
Well... here it is. Hope you enjoy 💙*

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