Party Part 2 : Treat You Better (5)

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Blake's pov
("it's been only an hour here and I'm already bored. I'm not in mood for no girls but Aria even though the place is full of really pretty girls and a lot o f them have tryied to get into me but I just can't think of someone non Aria. I can't forget what Reece said earlier though. He was so right. This one hour has been an nightmare having Drew and Aria in front of me the whole time acting adorably sweet and like a couple. That should have been me. Where did I go wrong? And I am here with my cousin Alexia and my sister Abbie and I can't leave and it bothers me so much! I wish they could just leave the table. Abbie and Alexia realized something's wrong but when they asked me I just said I was tired but I think they know.")
D-Wanna go dance?
A-You have no idea how much! But I will step on your feet, fall it due from pain! No matter what you'll be the one who'll go through everything as you'll have to carry me.
D-I wanna risk. It. ("Yeah go away all ready finaly! Wait no! Now they may make out! That can't! They-")
Abbie-Is there something you wanna tell us?
B-No... Like what?
Alexia-Maybe why are you like this...
B-I told you I'm quite tired.
Abbie-Drop it Richardson! You still liek her don't you?
Alexia-We are your cousin and sister a can tell you do.
B-I don't care about her.
B-Ok fine. Maybe I do but that doesn't matter.
Abbie-Get over her! She looks like she has move on and you can see that too. Instead of trying to get between them just move on.
Alexia-And take that as an opportunity to forget her. There are so many beautiful girls on here who are hitting on you or are waiting for you to so just go ahead.
B-I don't know. I don't want. I'm sick of love. I don't wanna move on. I just want to forget about her and never fall in love again.
Abbie-It just happened once that doesn't mean it will happen again. And even it will you have all the life in front of you to find the perfect girl for you.
B-Yeah but I need a break from all that. I don't want to meet other girls I don't want to move on I want her. *he almost shouted the "her" part and both of them looked at him with sad expressions before taking him in a group hug. Blake teared a little*
Abbie-Don't cry please... Everything will be fine... Don't do that for someone who doesn't care or deserve it.
B-You don't know how much she means to me. She is my everything... I'm really in love with her. No-one is able to make me as happy as she can.
Abbie-Or sad..
Sophie-Don't worry about her. She is the loser for losing such an amazing person like you *whipped his tears while he sniffed* Forget about her and let's go dance.
B-I'd rather stay here and try to interact with my fans. Maybe I'll do a follow spree. Take the girls with you.
Abbie-Fully wipe your tears they are coming!

Arias Pov
D-You are doing well!
A-Yeah... Probably because it's a slow song *fakes a giggle*
D-What's wrong?
D-Don't lie to me! A fake giggle won't save you. You are somehow days now. And nore specifically since you met with Blake. What's going on between you two?
A-Its a long story I'd rather not talk about right now.
D-Whenever you feel like talking I'll be here for you *smiles a little at her*
A-Thanks Droo. You are amazing *also smiles a little*
D-Here it is the smile I love! *Aria blushes and Drew giggles* Aww you blush! You're so cute!
A-Shut up! *buried her head on his chest to hide her blush when hugging him tigher and this way briging him closer to her*
D-I... I have to confess something to you...
("Why does he sound like this and why does he shutter?") I... I am.. I kinda am.. I think I am... no I know I am....
A-Just say it... (*I could feel my heartbeat as well as his to go faster as I was still on his chest for a while of his speech*)
D-I am... in love... *whispers the "in love" part and doesn't continue*
D-A girl....
A-THAT'S GREAT! and obviously but which Girl? *now Drew's playing with the end of her dress*
D-You don't know her. She is in our team. The stylish girl...
A-That's amazing! I'll meet her soon. Now, tell me about that girl.
D-I wanted to ask you if I should ask her out...
A-I should tell you go dance with her. Is she here?
D-....Yeah. and she is gorgeous!
A-Please go!
D-And you?
A-Just walk me back to the table. My foot starts to hurt anyway.
D-So... wanna tell me now what's up with you and Blake?
A-No sorry. I don't want to make things worst. Plus, there are a lot of people and it'll be uncomfortable talking about that sit then around.
A-..... he's my ex....
D-WHAT?? How?
A-Same school... We got really close via a year long project.
D-How long had you been together?
A-Two years.. and some months....
D-Oh... and... why and when did you beak up?
A-I'll tell you that another time. It's a long story. It's been half a year we are apart. Ever since we hadn't talk to each other and had no idea where we were. I didn't at least. I don't know for him.
D-That's why you broke the glass?
A-I turned and saw his face. He was standing in front of the fridge. The light right on his face. I was scoked. He probably didn't know who I was cause I was in the dark and I couldn't be seen realy clear. He saw I wasn't wearing shoes and he asked to carry me out of the glasses but I didn't know what would happen when realizing who I was so I took a step back and got hurt. I would have fall but he cought me.. he always did...
D-You still like him?
A-You have no idea..
D-I think that he likes you too.
A-No way. He hates me. He made it clear already a lot of times.
D-It doesn't look like this. And I can tell that in the stairs when you denyied him carry you like that he frowed and looked quite sad.
A-Don't remind me of that. I still regret being that tough but he kinda deserved it.
D-I guess bad fight right?
A-You have no idea..
D-Well good luck. I'm suggesting don't screw up and try to be good. He likes you still too. I'm sure about it. ☺
A-I don't know... I just wanna move on. I don't what to be with him again. I've already hurted enought.
D-Oh babe.. Come here...😢 *he drowned his face and pulled her for another hug while she was tearing up a little*

Blake's pov
("Now they are cuddling. Why haven't stop cudling all the time? I don't know if they've made out already but seing them like that I can tell that they are together. It hurts me more... I feel Sophie's hand on my shoulder and the closest they are the harder her touch gets" *I cought her hand and looked up at her. She looked at me with a don't-worry/just-ignore face but I couldn't do that. She put her hands around my neck and her head ontop of mine. I cought both her hands kinda like hugging her. Aria was so beautiful! When she saw me and Sophie she frowned a little* "Can she? No way... She hates me. Wake up Blake. Forget about her")
Sophie-Want us to stay?
B-No I'm fine.
Sophie-We can't leave you.
B-I'm fine. Please take Alexia and Abbie they need to have some fun. I'll be fine. Follow spree.
Sophie-Are you sure?
B-Couldn't have been more. Thank you.
Sophie-You don't have to thank me. If you need something text me I hope to hear it. Or else just come look for us but we'll probably be by the food stand.
Soplie-One last thing. I'd sugest you two to clear up the real reason why you've fought.
B-I'm not talking first...
Sophie-Whatever. Good luck.

Arias Pov
("Why is Sophie hugging him like that? Doesn't she have a boyfriend? And why are they whispering for so long? He doesn't seem to leave her hand while leaving. He still looks sad. Can Drew be right? Could I have hurted him that much and... that's why he was crying? I wanna cry but he doesn't have to see me crying. I wish I could be able to walk without hurt so I would be with the others. Its akward being just me and Blake...")
D-*leans to Aria whispering at her ear* will you be fine?
A-Yes *whispers back on his*
D-Call me if you'll need anything. I'll have my phone on my mind for you. And don't worry. Try to talk he likes you for sure.
A-I'm not talking first.
D-Whatever. Just... be nice ok?
A-Ok. Thank you Drew! I love you.
D-I love you too babe

Blake's pov
("I won't steal her from you don't worry. It's so hard to hear! Why is he so close to her? Please don't make out I won't be able to handle it! Babe???? I can't watch. I'll go away if he'll stay!")
D-Hey Blake how you doin?
B-Great thanks! You? *fake smiles*
D-You and Aria have to realize that I can't be fooled by fake smiles. ("She wined her eyes and punched him on his foot. That's where her hand can go now that she is down. He is really tall but why would she fake smile? Is she saf? She does look like being...")
D-Drop it mate you can't save it. You're sad we get it.
B-I'm just tired.
D-Yeah. Sure... I know you two don't have the best relationship but please if she needs something bring it to her.
A-Ok Drew bye
B-I will don't worry. ("I'll take care of your girlfriend:)
D-Don't push me I'm going bye!
A-Good luck!
D-Thanks babe. You too😉
D-Bye guys.
A-Bye Drew.
D-😏 *smirks*
("I love Drew but I can't stand it. I need her... I should be with her. I know I can treat her better... Better than he can...)

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