Promise (53)

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Austin's Pov
(I opened my eyes without knowing where I was or what happened. The first thing I saw was a white curtain. Right when I saw it I realised that I was at a hospital. Slowly I started remembering things but I still wasn't sure what happened)
Au-Drew! What happened? What I'm I doing here?
D-The boys said that you had a breakdown so one of the nurses made you a shot. So here you are now.
Au-I don't remember anything.
D-Its form the shot.
Au-Where is everyone?
D-Some are outside your room some are sleeping at the other side of the room that you will see if you'll open the curtain and some others are saying their goodbyes to A-
(I suddenly thought that I wanted to talk to Aria. I don't know why but I knew that I had to. I run to her room as fast as I could. I opened the door even thought the guys tired to stop me and I went in)
Au-I am calm. What's happening?
Joe-Don't you remember anything?
Au-No. Drew said that I had a breakdown but I don't remember anything on my own except from that I wanted to tell something to.... Lauren!
L-Me? What?
Au-Lauren! *smiles bright and puts his hands on her shoulder before dragging her for a hug*
L-Austin what's going on?
Au-I have to tell you something!
Au-Your uncle is alive!
L-My uncle never died.
Au-They must have not tell you. You have an uncle. Me Reynolds is your uncle!
L-What are you talking about?
Au-He had to pretend the dead to protect his self because of something I don't remember.
Au-Lauren you are my sister!
L-Uhmmm... I think you are still affected from the shot...
Au-No Lauren I'm true!
L-Honest. You are still affected. Someone call a doctor maybe?
Au-No Lauren no!
L-Ok Austin! Ok! Can you now sit outside for a while? I'm doing something.
Au-I'm saying the right!
L-I know... Can you please go outside now? Maybe a coffee? I think you need one.
Au-I'm good! Lauren please! You're my Aria!
D-Some on Austin. Let's go back to bed.
Au-No! I want to be with my Aria! My Aria.. ARIA! I rembeber! She is dying. Isn't her?
L-Austin please go to bed! You have no idea why you're talking about.
Au-I have to hello Sister.
D-You have to go to bed! You are still affected from the shot!
Au-Let me hello her!
L-All you go to bed then?
Au-Yeah. But please set me!
L-We will...
Au-Will you... Go out?
Joe-I don't think he will hurts her.eta go.
Au-Why hurt he? Her...
Joe-That's not what I mean. Say goodbye.
Au-Thankz. s. Thanks.

Lauren's pov (outside the room)
L-Did you hear the way he spoke?
Joe-Yes I did. But I don't think it is dangerous.
L-He is still affected by the shot! He thinks I'm his sister!
Joe-I know. But that's his last chance to goodbye her. We don't know when the helicopter will arrive so he might be sleeping. He might never see her again...
T-And she has her like his sister. They are so close. If you didn't know then you would really think they're siblings.
Brad-Yeah. They kinda look alike too...

Austin's pov

Au-Ari? You have to stay.... Strong. Did you hear me? You have to stay strong. And come back. I have so many things to tell you. First of all, I have parents. Real parents. Mr Rey isn't my dad. That's why he never let me call him like that. He is my uncle. I also have a sister. A real one. An amazing sister. You know her too. But I won't tell you. You will came back and ask me. Or else you will never learn. I will let you wonder. But don't let me. Ok? Say you won't leave me... *starts crying* Ari I love you! You're my sister too! I can't lose you! I won't be able to handle it! I need you in my life! I'd rather lose all my fans than lose you. I'd rather lose my voice. But please don't go away... I need you. I feel like there is something I have to tell you but I don't remember what. But it doesn't matter cause you will wake up. Won't you? You will. And I will be right next to you. We all will. I promise. I promise...
(I opened my eyes again in the same spot I was before. "What happened again?" I turned my head to the direction Drew was before. He wasn't there. I opened the curtain to see the boys. They weren't there. I took my phone from the table next to my opened. I unlocked it. I called Joe, Reece, Blake. No one picked up. I called Lauren she hung up. I made my way to Aria's room assuming everyone is there. No one was there. Just her empty bed. "Where can everyone be?". Suddenly I remembered everything. All I wanted to say. All I wanted to do. All that happened. All that are about to happen. "She is flying to England?" I followed the signs going to the helicopter's base. I wanted them to be there but I also didn't. "She can't leave before I goodbye her. She can't leave before she knows.....
I made it to the end. I stopped by the door and opened or. I was right. Everyone was gathered around a helicopter. The doors were closed and everyone was crying. I heard the engine. The pilot was ready to go. I run again)
James-Austin you can't! It's too late!
Le-Austin! AUSTIN CALM! AUSTIN! She's gone. She's gone.
(I cried. I fell on my knees and placed my hands on my face covering it. "Will she ever know?")
N-Please mate... We are all devastated but we can't do else.
Au-You don't get it!
N-We do.
Au-No you don't! How would you feel if your sister was in Aria's place?
N-Mate. She is bit your sister.
Au-She is!
N-That's what you were saying before for Lauren too.
Au-Yeah but I was still effected by the shot! Now I'm telling the truth! Asia is my sister! Mr Rey is not my dad! He is my uncle! Her uncle! I wear!
Waddy-I think we should go home.
Au-I'm saying the truth!😢
Waddy-Lets go home.
Au-I'm going alone.
L-Austin please....😯
Au-No. I'll be fine.

2 days later/Austin's pov
("Aria made it to England. They almost lost her once but she made it. She is strong. Stronger than me and I'm really happy about it. Today she is doing the surgery. We have a show thought and we can't go. We will do the today's one and then we will go there. Joe already canceled the shows for the rest of the month and we will make it up to the by adding dates theses places at the end of the tour. None of us is in mood for it". We gave our best that night for her. We sang at the top of our lungs and acted like nothing bad happened. And the fans were amazing in every way. Some of them also asked about Aria. We told them that she is in England but we didn't tell them why. When the show finished we went to the airport waiting for our flight. We stayed at the waiting section and I opened my phones for the first time after rehearsals. The notifications were blowing they weren't from fans. They were from Ari's parents...)

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