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Posted: July. 3, 2016

So, the difference between this and She Stayed is this will mostly be in Rowan's pov, whereas She Stayed was in mostly Austin's, I hope you enjoy this first chapter 😊

Tbh, I'm thinking about changing my username. I haven't decided yet though because I'd have to change it on so many chapters.

1. Rowan

"So, you've heard nothing?" Rosa asks, and I shake my head, putting on my apron and tying it behind me.

"Nope" I shrug "I guess he finally got the hint when I told him to fuck off"

"You could've been nicer about it"

"Rosa, he showed up at my house the night of my wedding begging for me back. What was I supposed to do? Drop everything and be with him again? He fucked up, and he deserved it"

"But it's been almost a year, what if something happened to him? You wouldn't know" She opens the cash register, putting the money into an envelope.

"I'm sure if something happened, he'd be all over the news" I roll my eyes "He's huge, nothing about him wouldn't be plastered all over magazines and newspapers or the Internet" I roll my eyes, unlocking the kitchen door and walking inside. I turn on the lights and preheat the oven, walking back out to Rosa "Besides, I'm happy" I shrug.

"But, you can't deny that Austin made you happier than Harry ever could" She raises an eyebrow.

"Well, it's too late to change that" I mumble, and she shakes her head, walking to the door to flip the sign and unlock the front door.

"We have a health inspector coming tomorrow, just a heads up" Rosa reminds me, and I curse under my breath.

"That's tomorrow?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Amelia has a doctors appointment. Her two year old check up" I answer, and she smiles.

"I can't believe she's two already" She gushes.

"Me neither" I sigh "She's already growing up so fast and each year she looks more and more like him"

"If it bothers you, that's how you know you're not over him" She pats my shoulder, walking into the kitchen upon hearing the oven beep, telling us it's preheated. I take out the pastries I had made early this morning, and set them out, the bell to the door ringing.

"Hello, how can I help you?" I ask the man walking through the door. He takes off his sunglasses, and hooks them through his shirt walking up to the counter.

"Hi, I was wondering if you do catering" He leans against the counter.

"Yes we do" I nod.

"Cool, my mom is getting remarried and I need someone to cater her wedding. Can you do it?" He asks.

"Yes, we've don't quite a few weddings" I pull out a book from under the counter "These are designs we can do, though they're not limited to this. We can make it with any type of cake, and any flavor icing. It's all what your mother wants" I smile and he flips through the book.

"I like this one, but I'll get back to you on what she wants" He puts his sunglasses back in, sliding the book closer to me "By the way, this is a very high end wedding, so there's no room for mistakes" He says, turning on his heels and walking out of the bakery.

"What a high end asshole" Rosa snorts and I laugh.

"He's so intimidating"

"That he is. But you know what high end weddings mean" She wiggles her eyebrows.

"High end cash" I smirk and she nods.

"We're going to get so much money" She gasps "Maybe he'll be like Megan and get us a hotel room"

"I doubt that, but way to be optimistic" I bump my hip into hers and she dramatically falls to the floor.

"Watch where you swing that thing"

"Shut the fuck up" I rolls my eyes playfully and she laughs.

"I'm joking, you know I love it" She teases.

"You're not the only one" I wink.


"Mommy!" Amelia yells as I walk through my moms door.

"Hi Princess" I pick her up, kissing her cheek "Thanks Mom"

"No problem, I like watching her" She kisses Amelia's cheek.

"Good, so you can do it more often right?"

"If you want, yes"

"Thank you" I give her a quick hug "I'll talk to you later though, I gotta get home" I walk out of her house, putting A,Elia into her car seat. I drive home, and help Amelia out, walking through the front door.

"How about-" I kneel down to her level "-we go watch a movie downstairs? Mommy can get pizza, and some juice. That sound good?"

"Yes!" She cheers, and I stand back up, pulling out my phone and calling Rosa.


"Hey, Lia and I are going to watch a movie, wanna come?" I ask.

"Sure, I'll get the pizza?" She offers.

"That'd be great"

"Cool, I'll be there in 20" She says and hangs up the phone. I pick up Amelia and we walk down the steps to the theatre and I sit her down on the long couch, wrapping her in a blanket.

"What movie?" I ask, opening up Netflix and scrolling through the options. I find something I know she'll want to watch and hit play, hearing Rosas footsteps trailing down the steps a little while into the movie.

"Aunt Rosa" Amelia giggles, and Rosa hugs her, kissing her cheeks.

"Hi Baby" She grins before plopping down next to me "Here, look at this" She hands me her phone, and it's some article online. I take her phone from her, but immediately give it back when I see Austin's name at the top.

"Absolutely not" I shake my head, and she sighs.

"Oh come on, it's worth reading"

"I doubt it" I roll my eyes and she sighs heavily.

"I'm going to send it to you, that way you can read it if you want to" She tells me.

"I won't want to read it" I shake my head.

"You might, I'll never know" She shrugs.

"He left me and my daughter. I don't give a shit what he has to say" I whisper yell.

"You pushed him away. What was he supposed to do? Stick around while he watched the woman he's in love with be married to someone who isn't him?"

"He could've attempted to be in her life Rosa" I huff "And why are you on his side anyways?"

"I'm not, I just feel like this" She waves her phone in my face, the article still on her screen "Explains a lot of his perspective. He's an open book, and he's not afraid to say how he feels. You can tell that in this" She says, and my phone vibrates.

"I won't read it"

I hope you liked chapter 1
I love you al



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