
939 43 26

Posted: February. 22, 2017

I stayed home from school again today... So I'm writing :))))

This is mostly a Rosa and Rowan chapter because I love them

53. Rowan.

"Woah! Girl! We're twinning the fuck out of this fine ass Saturday" Rosa snaps her fingers, eyeing my outfit, and then hers. I laugh, and take a picture of us, putting it on my instagram. 

"Ready to go?" I ask and she nods, grabbing her purse and following me out of her house, locking the door behind her. We get into my car, and begin the drive to the bridal shop, which is an hour and a half away.

"So, what's Austin doing today?" She asks, picking at her finger nails.

"He's supposed to book our venue for the wedding, and then set up the list of who he wants to go so that I can make the invitations and send them out" I say.

"What about Amelia?" 

"She's with Austin's mother. She's been staying with us to help me with the wedding planning and stuff" I tell her, stopping at a red light. 

"I'm so excited for your wedding" She gushes, and I grin.

"I know, me too" 

"And it's two months away!" She squeals, clapping her hands "And think, after you're wedding comes another baby!" She squeals louder.

"He's really excited for another baby, like it's all he's been talking about and I'm just like... but my vagina is going to stretch" I cringe.

"It didn't with Amelia did it?" 

"No, but Amelia was my first kid. Who knows what'll happen with two. I'll be so stretched out, it'll whistle when I walk" I laugh, and she joins in, covering her mouth. 

"It'll flap like dog ears when you jump" She adds and my jaw drops.

"Oh my god" I scream "I'll cry" 

"They actually have plastic surgery options where they use like lasers or some shit to tighten it" 

"Ooh, I'll do that. Birthday present" I wink.

"To yourself?" 

"No, Austin" I laugh "Surprise the hell out of him" 

After an hour and a lot more laughs we're pulling into the parking lot. I check the time seeing we still have a few minutes before my appointment. 

"Austin commented on my picture" I tell Rosa.

"What'd he say?"

"Damn ma, you lookin' good. You too Rosalie. With a wink and a smirky face" I laugh. 

"Well duh" She flips her hair over her shoulder. I laugh and we get out of my car, walking into the bridal shop. I call Austin on the way in, making sure that he did what i told him to.

"Hello Baby" He says happily "Yes, I booked the venue, the date is October 15th, I made my list of people to invite. You have nothing to worry about" He says before I can even begin talking "Now have fun picking out your dress, I love you very much, have a great day" He hangs up the phone and I roll my eyes, shaking my head. 

"He's such a prick" I mutter and Rosa snorts. 

I walk up to the front desk, the woman smiling at me "Hi, how can I help you?" 

"I have an appointment for wedding dress shopping" 

"Name?" She asks. 

"Rowan Mendoza" 

"Okay, and when's the date of the wedding?" She asks. 

"October 15th" She writes that down before looking up at me with a smile. 

"Alright, you can begin looking around and a stylist will be with you shortly" She says, and I thank her before walking off to the wedding dresses. 

We get through maybe three dresses before someone walks up behind us "Hello, I'm Marco, I'll be helping you with your dress selection" He grins, holding out his hand.

"I'm Rowan" I shake his hand and he gasps. 

"Oh my god, you're accent. You're so exotic, I love it" He gushes and I giggle. He turns to Rosa and shakes her hand.

"Rosa" She smiles. 

"Alright, it's nice to meet you both, what are we looking for?" He asks me.

"Well, they say white is for the virgins, and I ain't no virgin" I mumble, and he winks, giggling quietly "But I'm still gonna wear white" 

"It's only fair" He nods. 

"But anyways, I want something very elegant, I don't want anything too tight, but I need something to show off the butt because my boy likes the butt" I laugh, and he looks at my butt, before winking. 

"I don't blame him, Honey" He says, motioning for me to follow him "Any budget?" 

"Probably not, he's paying and he likes to spoil me" 

"Those men, are the keepers girl" He nudges me, before he stops in front of a row of dresses.

"How tall are you?" 

"5'3 I think" 

"Okay" He pulls out four dresses, telling me to try them all on. 

I try them on one by one, showing both Rosa and Marco.

We get it down to two options, both of them completely different. 

"I really like the both of them" Rosa says, looking at me. 

"Constructive criticism please?" 

"I think if you want to show off ass, go with the other one, but if you want to just look like a queen, go with this one" 

"Preach" Marco raises one of his hands, nodding his head in agreement.

"Which one do you think he would like?"

"Girl, this is about you"

"I know, but I love the both of them, and I want him to love it too" 

"Well, you said so yourself, he's all about the ass" Rosa laughs.

"So the other one?" I ask, secretly liking that one more anyways. 

"The other one" She nods "What's the damage with the other one?" She asks and I walk to grab the price tag.

"Holy fuck" I gasp "It's $18,500"

"That won't hurt his bank account" Rosa shrugs "She'll take this one" She says to Marco, who claps his hands happily.



This is short I know, but deal with it
I love you all



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