
888 46 34

Posted: March. 19, 2017

Hi friends :) I didn't have school today so I'm updating because I want to avoid my other responsibilities.

Question: Do you guys have any piercings? If you do, what?
I have 6, 7 if you count one of them as two because some people only get 1. I have my industrial, tragus, conch, ear lobe, belly button and both nipples pierced.

54. Rowan

"Baby, stop being mad at me" Austin whines.

"I'm not mad at you" I shake my head "You just did exactly what I told you not to do" I sigh, tossing out all of the wedding invitations that he messed up on. I open my phone and order a new package of them, putting in my credit card information and getting overnight shipping.

"I'm sorry" He pouts, and I lock my phone, turning to him.

"I know" I nod, standing up and hugging him, leaning my head against his chest "I love you" I mumble.

"I love you more" He kisses the top of my head "What else is there to do?"

"Well, I've got to go dress shopping again for my bridesmaids, and you have to go tuxedo shopping for you and your bestmen, we need to book the honeymoon, send out the invitations, make a seating chart, order caterers and some other things that I can't think of right now"

"Oh fuck" He sighs, covering his face with his hand "The guys are in Miami right now"

"Well, get them up here" I tell him "It takes a while to get everything in order"

"Okay, Bridezilla" He kisses my nose, and I scoff, punching his chest


"I'm sorry" He laughs "I'll call them" He walks out of the room. I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen, putting a pot of water onto the stove to boil it, getting ready to start dinner.

"The best aunt in the world is here with her niece!" Rosa yells, walking into the house.

"Mommy" Amelia yells, running up to hug my legs.

"Hi Princess" I kiss her forehead "Go put your stuff in your room"

"Woah, why are all of these in the trash?" Rosa asks, looking at all the invitations that are in the trash.

"Well, Austin wrote on them and I wanted them typed, and i was gonna be like, okay, whatever, but then I realized that he mixed up the places to send them to, with the place the wedding is at"

"Aw, he's so stupid"

"Tell me about it" I roll my eyes.

"Hey! I'm not that stupid" Austin pouts.

"Aw, Baby, I know" I coo, kissing his cheek "You're only slightly stupid"

"You're so mean" He pouts and I laugh.

"What did the guys say?" I ask him.

"They said they'll be here as soon as they can"

"Okay, cool" I nod.

"Daddy!" Amelia yells, and Austin turns around, picking her up.

"Baby" He grins, kissing all around her face. She giggles and wraps her arms tightly around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Which guys are coming?" I ask.

"Zach, Rob and Alex. All who you've met before. Then Cameron and Josh who you haven't met"

"Okay" I nod.

"Are they hot?" Rosa asks.

"Rosa!" I scold, but she only shrugs.

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