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Posted: August. 9, 2016

So, I haven't exactly put into terms when it is in the story. As of rn it's February, and Amelia is urning three in June I believe... That's really the only thing that matters and I'm not sure if it's really been clear

14. Rowan

"I'm here, I'm here, I'm here" I chant, running into the airport with Amelia on my hip, and my luggage dragging behind us. I come face to face with a very impatient looking mother and best friend, both with their arms crossed and foot tapping. 

"We've been waiting for ages" My mom scoffs "They said our plane is leaving in half an hour" 

"I know, and I'm so sorry, Harry just would not let me leave" I roll my eyes, playing over the long morning I had trying to convince Harry that I didn't have enough time to deal with this whole baby issue. 

"Well, we need to hurry. Come on" Rosa says, and we get though security just has they call for our plane leaving in 15 minutes. We board our plane and my mom hands Amelia and I the plane tickets that have the seats that are next to each other and I wonder why we aren't all seated together like planned. I shrug it off though and try ti find my seat, frowning when I can't find it. 

I look back down at the ticket, and look at it in confusion when I see it's first class. I look back at Rosa and my mom, my mom giving me a wink. I think of what she could possibly be up to as I make my way to the first class section of the plane, finding our seats. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask with slumped shoulders as I see Austin sitting down in our row of seats. 

"Your mom told me about this trip, and asked if I wanted to go since you had an extra spot" He shrugs "Now, would you like the window seat? I know how much you love it" He gives me a smile, that basically screams that he won, and I'm partially tempted to punch him in the face.

"Sure" I say after taking a deep breath. I sit down at the window, and look over seeing Austin holding Amelia, kissing her cheek.

"Hi Baby" 

"Hi Daddy" She giggles and he sits her down in the middle seat, and she leans over to me.

"Mommy?" Amelia whispers.


"How long will we be here?" She asks. 

"On the plane?" I ask and she nods. 

"Not long" I shake my head, though it was a lie. 13 hours not being a short flight, but if I had told her that she'd whine and complain the entire time. The seat belt light comes on, as well as the captain speaking over the intercom telling us to put on our seat belts because we're about to take off, then going over the safety procedures.

I hook my seat belt, and then reaching for Amelia's but Austin beats me to it "I got it" He smiles, and I huff through my nose, leaning back in my seat and taking her hand in mine. 

Shortly after we take off, Amelia falls asleep and I begin to feel bad for having to wake her up so early to get on a plane. I kiss her forehead and take off my coat and put it above us, while grabbing her favorite blanket from our carry on and laying it over her.

"So, what exactly are your plans?" I narrow my eyes at Austin, and he places his hand over his chest, attempting to look hurt. 

"What ever do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't play games" 

"I don't have any plans" He shrugs "I just didn't want to say no to your lovely mother" He gives me the most innocent smile he could fake, and I groan in frustration "Why isn't your husband here?" He asks, his tone snarky.

"Because he had to work" 

"Oh, so did I," He begins "But I still made it here"

"Stop trying to prove you're better!" I whisper-yell, trying not to wake Amelia "It's obvious you don't beat him in anything if I married him and not you so let it go" 

A smile stretches across his face, and he begins to chuckle before replying "Baby, I obviously do win, especially when I had you in my bed not too long ago" 

"Shut up" I grit.

"Why? Because I'm right?" 

"No, you're not right" I shake my head, leaning back against my chair "You'll never be right" I mumble, leaning my head against the window and watching the clouds roll under us until I fall asleep. 

I groan as I wake up, feeling tiny and press against my cheeks. I peek my eyes open seeing Amelia is in my lap, her hands on my face and a bright smile on her lips. 

"Hi Mommy" She chirps. 

"Hi, what are you doing?" 

"Daddy went to the potty and I'm bored" She sighs.

"Why didn't you just wait for him to come back?" I ask, and she shrugs.

"I don't know" 

I yawn and shake my head, Amelia giggling and climbing back into her seat. Austin comes back moments later and sits down in his seat "Sleep good?" He asks, and I only roll my eyes in response "Just trying to be friendly"

"Well don't" 


When our plane finally lands I breathe out in relief and we all get off, Austin, Amelia and I getting our luggage and waiting for my mom and Rosa. When we see them, we walk over to where they are and my mom smiles nervously at me as I glare at her. 

"Te amo" She gives me an innocent smile, and I shake my head, following them as we walk out of the airport. We ended up taking two cars to get to the hotel, and that's where my mother decided to drop a bomb on me that Austin, Amelia and I will be sharing one hotel room and Rosa and her will share the other. 

When we get up to my room, I lay Amelia down in bed, covering her up and telling her to get some sleep, while I walk to sit on the balcony, sitting down with my elbows resting on my needs and my face in my hands. 

"I didn't know about this" Austin comes and sits beside me "She didn't tell me we'd share a room and I'm so sorry" He places his hand on my back "I'm sorry for a lot of things" He sighs. 

"Yeah, well," I stand up from my seat "That doesn't fix anything" I walk back into the room, laying down in bed beside Amelia and pulling her into my side, falling asleep as well. 


I hope you enjoyed this
I love you all



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