Im so sorry Guys...

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Hi friends😔

I just wanted to apologize for being M.I.A I've been so flicking busy in school and it's honestly killing me.

So far this week (emphasis on WEEK) I've had 3 5 page papers due, 2 projects and 6 tests. I've also been practicing my driving because I take my driving test in a month and I'm worried I'll fail.

I wish I could update more often, but my senior year has been such a pain in the ass.

Now this isn't my way of telling you I'm going to stop writing, because that's not going to happen, but is me saying that updates will be slow for quite a while.

My important dates are:

April 7th to 17th- Spring Break, so I'll be able to update more.

May 1st and May 9th- AP tests, so the week before, and of I will be swamped with studying so no updates.

May 18th to May 23rd- Finals so no updates for the same reasons as AP tests.

May 26th- My last day of school, also prom night so no updates that day.

May 30th- My senior day, no updates because I'll be gone all day long.

June 1st- Graduation, it's a 7pm so I may be able to put out an update that day.

June 3rd to June 11th- Senior week so no updates because I'll be on vacation

June 12th to August 24th- My summer vacation. I may be going on vacation a few times throughout summer but depending if I have wifi while on vacation I'll update. But for the most part I'll be able to.

August 25 to August 28- Early move in, and fall orientation at my college.

These are the dates I know of importance and I will try the best of my ability to pull some strings to make updates happen. But I'm swamped you guys, and it might not seem like it but I'm really trying. I just don't have time to finish the chapters I start.

I love you all and I thank you for your patience.



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