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Posted: August. 10, 2016


I'm going camping soon, I think from Friday to Sunday, and it's in West Virginia which from me is a 5-7 hour drive. So because of that on Friday there might not be very many updates posted, however I will be spending my time writing stories, so which ones would you like to see? That way, I know to do those first.

So did you guys see how Robert leaked Austin's number? My friend called it and she told me that it is actually his number omg

15. Austin

I sigh heavily as Rowan walks back into the hotel room, obviously pissed off at me. I lean back against the chair, and run a hand through my hair, thinking of all the possibly ways to fix this. The sad part is, I don't know any of the possibly ways to fix this. 

I get up from the chair and walk back into the room, grabbing my phone and scrolling through my text messages until I find the one I'm looking for. 

To: Rosaaaaaaaa
Up for a walk? 

I hit send and sit it down on the bedside table, looking over at Rowan and Amelia. Every single day, I kick myself in the ass for leaving Rowan. But at the time I didn't know what to do.

My phone vibrating breaks me from my thoughts and I check it to see Rosa texted me back, telling me that she'll meet me at my hotel door. 

Debating on leaving my phone here, I decide to do it anyways, and walk towards the door. I check to make sure that I have my room key, nodding when I do and walking out of the door, leaning against the wall next to the door. 

"Hey" Rosa says, as she walks up to me.


"Let's go" She walks towards the elevator and I follow her, and we take it to the bottom floor. We get off the elevator and out of the hotel, walking down the street "So, has she talked to you yet?" 

"Yeah, but basically everything she said, was her way of telling me I'm an asshole" I sigh. 

"She does think you're an asshole," Rosa begins "But she's not mad at you" 

"What do you mean?" I ask, looking at her in curiosity. 

"She's more mad at herself because she doesn't want to feel the way she does. You need o understand that she's married, and the fact that she is and you came back and she still wants to be with you, makes her angry at herself" She says "It's not easy for her" 

"I know" I sigh "But she can't continue to act like she hates me" 

"It's the only thing she can think to do, in case you forgot-"

"-I left her while she was pregnant. Yeah, I know and I hate myself for it" I roll my eyes "But see things from my perspective, being told most of your adult life that you can't have kids and then your girlfriend telling you that she's pregnant with your kid, it will mess with your head" 

"You should've know that she'd never cheat on you" 

"I know, deep down I knew she never would, but I still couldn't help myself" I shake my head "The only thing I knew to do was push her away" 

"But do you see how things would have been so much different if you wouldn't have left?" 

"Yes, I do" I nod.

"Listen Austin," She stops, placing her hand on my shoulder "I like you, I always have. But she's with Harry and honestly, she's told me multiple times she doesn't want to divorce him. I don't know what else you can do in this situation" 

"Do you really think she'll have a kid with him?" I ask quietly, and she shrugs. 

"From what she's told me, they're already trying" 

"Oh" I gulp "Uhm, can we go back now?" I choke out and she nods. The walk back was silent, my mind reeling on how she's already trying for a kid when not even a month ago she told me she would wait a couple months. 

"Austin" Rosa says, as I pull out my room key.

"Yes" I look at her, sliding my key into the door.

"She still loves you, remember that" She says, and I nod, pushing open the door to my hotel room. I walk into the room and towards the 'kitchen' in the hotel room, grabbing a bottle of water from the mini fridge. 

"There you are" Rowan says, and I turn towards her.

"Here I am" 

"I didn't know where you went" She runs her hands along her arms, looking to the side. 

"I just went for a walk" 

"I didn't think you'd leave your phone here" She bites her lip.

"I figured I didn't need it, you were asleep" I shrug, opening the bottle of water and taking a drink before sitting it on the counter. 

"I'm sorry" She says quietly. 

"Don't be" I mumble "I was wrong" I walk past her and to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and turning on the shower. I sit a towel on the rack by the shower door, pulling off my shirt just as the door opens "What?" I ask as I see Rowan in the mirror. 

She doesn't say anything, she just looks at me like a lost puppy and I huff, walking over to her and placing my hands on her shoulders "What's wrong Rowan?" 

"I don't know" She shrugs, her hands finding their way to my hips. 

"Mommy!" Amelia yells, and Rowan jumps slightly, before looking back over her shoulder.

"I've got to get her" She walks out of the bathroom. I finish getting undressed and get into the shower, making it quick and walk out of the bathroom, walking towards my bed. I lay down in bed and lay on my sigh, watching Rowan as she lulls Amelia back to sleep. 

Sorry this is kind of short, but I hope you enjoyed it
I love you all



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