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Posted: July. 11, 2016

7. Rowan.

"I'm going to take you to my bedroom, and fuck you" He says.

"Woah, woah, what?" I place my hands on his shoulders, watching the smirk form on his lips.

"I'm sure I didn't stutter. You said I was bold Baby, so let me be bold" He carries me along the hallway.


"Take your clothes off?"

"That's enough of that please" I cover his mouth with my hand, and he winks at me. I remove my hand and he squeezes my ass in his hands making me squeal "No, no, don't do that" I chuckle nervously.

"Oh stop fighting me" He attaches his lips to my neck, leaving light kisses. He kicks open the door to his bedroom, dropping me on the bed. He picks up my left hand and before I even realize what's going on, he removes my wedding ring and drops it to the floor.

"Austin! What?" I protest but he only shrugs.

"As of right now, you're single" He locks his bedroom door, climbing into his bed, his body on mine "There's no one else" He kisses my neck "No Amelia" He kisses my jaw "No husband" He kisses my cheek "Just us" He attaches his lips to mine.

"Austin, really" I push him off "I can't" I shake my head, standing up and grabbing my wedding ring from the ground, sliding it on "I'll be back later to pick up Amelia" I unlock his door and walk out. I walk along the long hallway and towards the front door, opening it and walking out to my car, driving home.

When I get home I walk up to my room, calling Rosa and telling her she needs to get to my house as quickly as possible. She agrees and twenty minutes later she's in my house, barging into my room.

"What?" She asks when she walks in "You look good, like I don't know what it is but you look great" She looks me up and down "But anyways, what's wrong?"

"You played me" I trail off "Read the article what's the worse that could happen?" I mock her.

"I'm sorry, he called me and asked me to do it because he knew you'd run to him accusing him of playing you. He just wanted to see you"

"How long has he been back?" I ask, and she bites her lip.

"About a month or two" She sighs and my shoulders slump.

"No one decided to tell me?" I scoff "My own best friend, and mother were behind this and neither of you wanted to tell me the truth"

"Did you go see him?" She asks and I nod "And..?"

"He told me he wanted to fuck me" I look down at my lap, and she gasps.

"Tell me everything"

"There's not much to tell. He tried to have sex with me but I stopped him" I shrug.

"You obviously enjoyed it, that's why you're glowing"

"I am not" I roll my eyes "I'm just sweating from trying to fight him off" I joke and she laughs, shaking her head.

"I think the two of you need to actually sit down and talk"

"Last time that happened he showed up at my house" I huff "He's impossible to have a serious talk with now, I don't know what happened but he is"

"Fine, I'll sit you both down and make sure the conversation stays on track" She offers, but I immediately shake my head.

"Absolutely not, no offense but he will definitely not take stuff serious if someone else is there" I run a hand through my hair in frustration "We just need to meet in a neutral environment, no Amelia, just him and I"

"What kind of neutral environment?" She mocks and I shrug.

"One with no alcohol" I snort.

"You wouldn't fight him off with alcohol in you" She winks.

"I hate how true that is"


"Oh, quit playing and give me my kid" I roll my eyes, my tone unamused as his face holds a deep smirk.

"I will, I just want a kiss first" He chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the door frame.

"Austin, I swear to god, if you don't give me my kid b-"

"What? Are you going to call your perfect little husband?" He coos, and I clench my jaw "We both know he has nothing on me"

"Get out of my way" I grit, but he shakes his head.

"You know what I want" He places a hand on my hip.

"Yeah, and you're not going to get it" I scoff.

"Then I'll see you later" He shuts the door and my jaw drops.

"This stupid mother fucker" I mutter to myself, before banging loudly on the door. He opens it back up seconds later, the same smirk on his face.

"Ready to kiss me?"

"Are you just trying to ruin what I have?" I huff "Everything was fine when you were gone! Now you're just fucking everything up, so for the love of god, give me my kid" I yell, and an angry look takes over his face.

"Fine, wait here" He once again shuts the door in my face. I wait on his front porch for a few minutes before he comes back out, Amelia on his hip "I'll see you soon Princess" He kisses her cheek, sitting her down. She runs off to the car and Austin smirks at me "I'll be seeing you too Baby"

"Fuck you" I roll my eyes, turning on my heels but he grabs my wrist pulling me into him.

"I plan to" He whispers in my ear "I'm going to show you how good it is that I'm back" He kisses the skin below my ear and I shudder, swallowing the lump in my throat. Without another word, he lets go of my wrist and I turn around, seeing Amelia already in the car, waiting for me. I get into the drivers seat, driving off, watching Austin disappear in my rear view mirror.

"Did you have fun?" I ask Amelia.

"Yes" She nods, playing with her tiny stuffed animal.

"That's good" I nod, unable to get Austin's words out of my head.

I'm going to show you how good it is that I'm back.

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