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Posted: July. 4, 2016

Happy Fourth of July :DD

2. Rowan

"Come on Princess" I pick up Amelia "Let's get you to the doctors" I kiss her cheek, carrying her out to my car. I drive her to the doctors and we wait for her name to be called before we go back for her cheek up. I sit in the chair as the doctor examines her, my urge to read that article nearly unbearable. But thankfully before I can open it, the doctor speaks up.

"She's in perfect health" He smiles "You've got nothing to worry about"

"Thank you so much" I grin, and pick her up. I bid him goodbye and carry her back out to my car, driving to the bakery. Once I get there I help Amelia out and we walk into the bakery, Rosa smiling and picking up Amelia.

"Hi Babes" She kisses her cheek, before turning to me "Did you read it yet?"

"I told you, I'm not going to" I shrug, walking to put on my apron. Rosa follows after me, looking at me in disbelief.

"Come on, what kind of damage can it do?" She asks.

"It could do what? Ruin your marriage?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yes actually"

"If that article has the power to ruin your marriage, you made a mistake getting married in the first place" She runs her tongue over her teeth, putting Amelia down "Just read it" She tells me before walking to the cash register while I take Amelia back into the kitchen.

I preheat the oven and pull out ingredients to make a batch of cupcakes "Do you want me to make you a cupcake?" I ask Amelia and she grins, clapping her hands.

"Yes!" She cheers and I nod.

"Okay" I nod, making the batter. Once I put them into the oven I make the icing, I decide to make her cupcake into a little flower so I make small petals and a little bit of yellow icing to put on top of her cupcake. When the oven beeps, I pull out the tray and let them cool before icing Amelia's and putting the small petals of icing on the top making a small yellow dot in the middle and handing it to her.

She grins and eats it happily making me smile. I icing the rest of the cupcakes and bring them out to Rosa who thanks me and puts them away.

"Do you mind going on a coffee run? I'll watch Amelia" She sighs "I just really need it and the coffee here isn't doing it for me"

"Of course, same thing as usual?"

"Yes please" She smiles, and I take off my apron hanging it up and walking out to my car and driving to Starbucks. When I get in line I dial Harry's number and wait for him to answer, smiling when he does.


"Hi Handsome" I grin.

"Hi, what are you up to?" He asks.

"Standing in line to get Rosa some coffee, want one?" I offer.

"No thanks" He says "Had one this morning"

"Well, alright" I nod "How's work?"

"It's boring as usual, can't wait to get home to my beautiful wife"

"How flattering" I giggle, ordering a coffee for Rosa and one for me and paying.

"Isn't that my job?" He chuckles.

"It better be" I laugh "But, I'll call you later okay? I love you"

"Alright, I love you" He says and hangs up the phone. I grab the coffees when they call my name, and I turn around to see a familiar face.

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