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Posted: August. 4, 2016

13. Rowan.

"Hi Baby" I coo, as Amelia runs towards me, a bright smile on her face. I pick her up and kiss her cheeks, walking towards the kitchen to see my mom.

"Hi" She hugs me "How are you?" She smirks, and I chuckle.

"I'm amazing" I grin and she squeals, clapping her hands "Mom, calm down" I roll my eyes, before looking at Amelia and kissing her cheeks "Let's go visit Daddy" I whisper and her face brightens.

"We're going to go now, but I'll see you soon" I hug my mom, kissing her cheek.

"Before you go, are you ready for the Argentina trip?" She asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, it's around the same time Harry will be in LA so he's not going, so we'll just have an extra ticket" I shrug "Rosa said that with the interviews for new employees we've had then we might not need to close"

"New employees?" She asks with raised eyebrows "I thought you didn't want that"

"I don't" I shake my head "But I know she'd never let it go, so I just agreed and will eventually get over it" I shrug.

"Well, alright then"

"Yeah, hopefully she'll hate it and decide I've been right this whole time" I resituate Amelia on my shoulder and grab her diaper bag "I'll see you soon" I smile.

"Bye" She waves and I walk out of my mom's house and get into my car. I drive to Austin's work, the second time I've been here today and walk up to the door, opening it and taking the elevator up. I walk towards his office and open the door, walking inside to see his back facing me, his phone in his hands.

"Sit here Baby" I sit Amelia down on the chair and she nods, and I hand her the stuffed animal out of her bag, something to keep her attention. I walk up behind Austin, and slide my hand along her back, making him jump slightly. I move to stand in front of him, my back against the window.

He smirks and looks down at me, placing his free hand on my hip. The other person on the end drags on with whatever he was saying all while Austin leans down to kiss me, my hands moving to his neck.

"You need to be careful" I whisper "Your daughter is right behind you" I point to over his shoulder and his face brightens.

"I'm going to have to call you back" He speaks into the phone "We'll talk about this later" He hangs up the phone before turning around and walking towards Amelia.

"Who's this pretty little girl?" He coos, picking her up and kissing her cheek "Is it my little baby?"

"Yes daddy" Amelia grins.

"I missed you" He smiles, and I walk over to them, placing my hand on Austin's back "Have you been good for Mommy?" He asks, and I bite my lip, his arm wrapping around my waist.

"I need to talk to you about something" I whisper in his ear "It's important"

"Okay" He nods, and sits Amelia back down, kissing her forehead "What about?"

"It's not really something I want to discuss in front of Amelia" I mumble, and he looks at me in confusion.

"Is this about earlier?"

"Actually, no" I shake my head "It's about something a little more important"

"Okay, do you want to talk now?" He asks, and I look down at Amelia "Give me a second" He says, walking towards the door "Trish, come here" He says and Trish walks in through the door.

"Oh my god, she's so cute" She gushes as she looks at Amelia.

"Well, then you won't mind watching her for a few minutes?" He asks "I need your help"

"Okay, I'll take her" She says, picking up Amelia "Let's take a walk Cutie" She coos and Amelia looks at me.

"It's alright Baby, mommy will be right behind you guys" I tell her and she nods, looking at Trish. They walk out of the room and I walk around sitting in Austin's desk chair, and he grins.

"You look cute in my chair" He chuckles "You look so small" He sits on his desk in front of me and I place my hands on his knees "What did you have to talk about?"

"I don't think you're going to like it" I sigh.

"I still think you should tell me though" He places his hand over mine "I won't get angry"

"Harry wants to have a baby" I say quickly, and Austin's eyes widen, his shoulders slumping.

"Oh" He says shortly "Is that what you want?" He asks.

"I don't know"

"I mean I can't blame him, you two are married and Amelia isn't his so I understand why he'd want to tie you down even more to keep your from coming back to me" He shrugs.

"To keep me from coming back to you?" I scoff "Is it so hard to believe that married couples have children because it's what they do? All married couples try for children"

"I'm not saying it's hard to believe, but it just makes sense that he wants to keep you away from me" He shrugs.

"He doesn't even know I'm talking to you" I roll my eyes, standing up from the chair.

"Baby" He sighs, placing his hand on my hip "Don't be angry with me" He kisses my shoulder.

"I'm not" I huff.

"Baby" He whines, and I roll my eyes "You're mad" He pouts.

"Stop" I close my eyes, not wanting to see him pout "I'm not mad"

"Make out with me" He whispers and I shake my head.

"You're such a child"

"But only because-"

"Hey, sorry but she's starting to fuss" Trish walks into the room.

"It's alright, nothing was happening anyways" I take Amelia from Trish, kissing her wet cheeks "Sorry Baby"

"Mommy, I missed you" She wraps her arms around my neck.

"I missed you too Baby" I rub her back in circles "Thank you Trish"

"No problem" She smiles before leaving the office.

"We need to go" I tell Austin, picking up Amelia's diaper bag.

"Oh, okay" He nods, kissing Amelia's cheek while resting his hand on my hip "I'll see you soon, Baby" He whispers to her and she giggles.

"Bye Daddy"

"I'll call you later, I guess" I say.

"Alright" He nods "Bye Ro" He gives me a quick hug before Amelia and I leave his building and drive home.

"Amelia" I get her attention and she looks up at me "We do not tell Harry about today alright?"

"Yes Mommy"


I hope you enjoyed this
I love you all



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