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Posted: August. 3, 2016

Go add my 'new' story How We Used To Be, I have a couple stories that I'm ending soon and this will start when I end one.

This will have both POV's in it, just because I wanted it to be in Austin's POV but you guys wanted Rowan to answer the whole baby situation and I didn't want to leave you hanging.

11. Rowan

"What?" I choke out, my eyes wide "Another baby?"

"Yeah" He shrugs "One that is our own"

"But I have a three year old, she's already a handful" I point out.

"I know, and I'd like to think I've helped out enough to make you think that we can handle more"

"I need a month or two, just to get things together and think about it, that's all I ask" I sigh out.

"And then we'll try?" He asks, and I nod.

"And then we'll try"


"Another baby?" Rosa asks in surprise.

"I know" I whisper-yell, looking back into the room to make sure Harry is still asleep.

"Well do you want another baby?"

"I don't know" I sigh "Not really"

"I didn't think you did, as a kid you always wanted to have just one"

"Yeah I know, and something makes me think there's a deeper reason to why he wants a baby, there's something going on in his head but I don't know what it is"

"I don't know either, but I guess we'll figure it out sooner or later"

"Yeah, I guess" I sigh "I'll call you later, I've got to go" I hang up the phone, sitting down on the small chair, watching the waves crash onto the shore, and breathing in the salty air. In this time that is supposed to be peaceful, I can't help my widely running mind from wondering what'd it be like if Austin was beside me, his arms around me, lips pressed against my shoulder. I never realized how much I adored his kisses until I didn't have them anymore.

I wonder why I got married, knowing fair well that I still loved someone else. Though I love Harry very much, he's not my Austin, and he never will be. And at a time like this, all I want is my Austin.

And before I can even realize what I'm doing, my phone is pressed against my ear as it seems to endlessly ring, awaiting Austin's answer. When it goes to voicemail I sigh, and wait for the beep.

"Hi" I sigh "I don't know what to do anymore, before you came back it was easy. I didn't have to worry about anything. It was like you didn't exist anymore. But now that you're back everything confuses me" My voice cracks lightly, and I clear my throat "I don't want to feel this way, but I missed it. I miss seeing you everyday, I miss waking up beside you, I miss you telling me you love me. I miss it all" I cry softly into the phone.

"And why I'm calling right now, when I'm on vacation with my own husband is beyond me, especially when I'm more than sober. But here I am, telling you how much I miss you" I wipe the tears from my cheeks "I've never stopped loving you Austin, and I don't know whether that's a good thing or bad thing" The line cuts off on me and I sigh, clutching my phone tightly into my hand, my eyes shut tightly.

Why the hell did I do that?

11. Austin

I sit on the balcony of my bedroom, my lips wrapped around a beer bottle as I drink away the night. McKenna walks through the door and onto the balcony, sitting beside me "Why won't you talk to me?" She asks. I don't answer and she huffs, ripping the bottle away from me and pouring it out over the balcony. I look up at her with a blank expression and she scoffs "Jesus Christ! She made it clear she didn't want you so get over yourself" She spits before stomping back into my house.

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