Chapter Two: Day 2

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"Hey sweet girl, how are you today? I'm sure your mom or someone else already told you the news. Actually, I'm not sure. Is anyone else talking to you, or am I the only one? Does that make me crazy? Who cares! So apparently the doctor said that you've got banged up pretty badly, but luckily most injuries are only superficial. They did a CT scan to look at your brain, and they are confident that you'll wake up again once your brain has had some time to heal. I kind of zoned out after that bit of information because I just felt so happy and relieved.

"Did you hear that? You'll be ok. I'd cry some happy tears right now, but I feel like I don't have any left after last night. How does that work anyway? Do we have an endless supply of tears, or do we really run out at some point? I'm sure you'd know the answer to that since you're the smarter one of us. I always deny it, but we both know it's true.

"Time is up already again for today. The doctors and nurses have allowed me to come visit you for a little bit every day. It took some begging, but I would have done a lot more than that to be able to see you.

"Soon, Alliebear. Love you."


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