Chapter Three: Day 3

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"I got your iPod from your house earlier, Allie. Your brothers looked at me like I'm a little crazy but that's nothing new, is it? I thought maybe you'd like some music today. I know how much you like that British pop band you always listen to, no matter how much I protest. I know I always give you a hard time about them, but I guess they're ok. Even though I'd never admit that to anyone else.

"Maybe I have to like them a little bit though since you love them so much, and their music makes you happy. And I like seeing you happy. Plus, it's too cute watching you dance and sing when you think you're alone. What I wouldn't give to see you dance and sing right now. Heck, I would even join you at this point. I'd do anything if it meant you would wake up already.

"Alright, I'm going to stop talking now so you can listen to the music. Maybe that'll wake you up. At least I hope it'll make you smile wherever you are."


Thanks so much for reading my story, I hope you enjoy it. ❤❤

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