Chapter Seven: Day 7

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"I've been having a hard time sleeping this week. I usually lie in bed for a while until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. It was pretty windy last night, and I was watching the shadows of the swaying trees dance across my bedroom wall. Like almost everything else these days, it made me think of you and when we camped out in the backyard for the first time. We were what? 8 or 9 maybe?

"We were both so excited, but once it got darker outside and the shadows came out to play, we were both pretty freaked out. As usual though, neither one of us wanted to admit to being scared. You had your sleeping bag pulled up all the way to your chin and kept repeating that everything was going to be alright. I wish you could tell me the same right now."  


Thanks so much for reading! You guys are the best!

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