Chapter Twenty-Six: Day 37

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"Remember the new kid Mike we have on the soccer team? He asked if I wanna go to this party at his friend's house tonight. I don't really feel like it, but my parents have been getting more and more on my case this past week. Apparently they think that I've been isolating myself from everyone a lot lately. So I thought I could just get them off my back by going out tonight. Hopefully they'll leave me alone after that."

"Well I have to run now, sorry I have to cut my visit short. Mike will come and pick me up at my house in just a little bit and I still need to eat something and get ready. See you tomorrow, Alliebear."


A few hours later

"Let me go, I just want to talk to Allie quick. Please. I'm not really drunk. I'll leave in a minute, I swear.

"Allie, Allie can you hear me. I need you to wake up, ok? I don't know how much longer I can do this. I'm...I'm so angry at you. The doctors have been saying for weeks now that your scans look great, and that there isn't really a good explanation for why you're still in that coma. Does this all mean nothing to you?

"Ah shit, that hurt. That bedside table is sturdier than it looks.

"I'm coming, just one freaking minute. Gosh that nurse is a slave driver.

"Anyway, get your act together and come back to us. Sometimes I just really hate you for leaving me. I didn't think that I could ever be in so much pain. How can you do this to me, Allie? I'm your best friend. Best friends don't do this crap to each other.

"What? No, I won't yell anymore, Nurse Stephanie. Oh shit, they called my parents. I can hear my dad outside.

"I'm not sure I wanna come and see you tomorrow, Allie. I'm just so mad right now. I'm glad I went to that party tonight. At least it made me relax some and see all of this BS for what it really is. Crap I gotta go. See you around, I guess."   


Ahhh, not good. 🙈

Hope you liked it anyway. ❤

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