Chapter Six: Day 6

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"I walked the long way home today after school, past the big fields that you love so much. It has been raining almost nonstop all week, and there were a bunch of kids playing in the mud. They waved at me when I walked by, and I had to think of the day we met. My mom had been so ecstatic to be moving in next to a family that had a child my age. You know how easily she can get overexcited.

"She dragged me over to your house before we even had half of our things unpacked. You were on the big tree in your front yard, completely covered in mud. Little branches and leaves were stuck everywhere in your hair and clothes. You almost gave my mom a heart attack when you jumped out of that tree with a loud warrior cry. I knew right then and there that I'd have to be your friend."


Hey guys, hope you liked the chapter! 😄

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