Chapter Seventeen: Day 22

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"I've been looking at a lot of the pictures in the box. Now I'm glad our parents have always been so obsessed with taking pictures of us whenever they had a chance. Between the four of them they've compiled quite the collection. I feel like I haven't seen half of them before. Maybe one day we can look at all of them together. I'm sure it will take us a few days, but I'm all for it.

"I totally forgot about that one Halloween when we were around ten, I think. You were still utterly infatuated with fairies and begged your parents to be Tinkerbell. When they finally agreed, you wanted me to be Peter Pan of course. Some of your magical fairy dust must have worked, because somehow you were able to talk me into wearing those damn tights. Must have been magic for sure, right? Even though we both know that there aren't a lot of things I wouldn't do for you."


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