Chapter Eleven: Day 11

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"OMG, Allie. I'm so happy I finally get to see you. I've been so mad at my parents and Liam for keeping me away for so long. I know it's not smart to visit someone at the hospital when you're sick yourself, but it was still driving me crazy. And now Liam hates me like crazy too because he got sick and isn't allowed to visit you. He tried sneaking out earlier, and mom gave him a big lecture about the risks of getting you sick at the moment. He wasn't happy, but promised to wait until he's better.

"I feel bad for him though. First the fight yesterday, and then he woke up with this awful fever this morning. I'm actually not sure if he told you about yesterday, but he doesn't look too good at the moment. He's got a pretty bad black eye, a few bruises, and a split lip.

"There's one good thing about him being sick though, or at least I hope that he'll be able to get some decent sleep now. He really hasn't been taking your accident well, Allie. I'm worried about him. He's just not himself without you. All that's left is an empty shell."


Who else feels bad for Liam? Poor guy. 😔

Thanks so much for reading! ❤

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