Chapter Fifteen: Day 20

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"Alliebear, I brought you a present. I got a big box full of pictures of you, us, both our families, and whatever other pictures our moms thought might be important. They freaked out a bit after the doctor told them that you might have amnesia when you wake up. He said it happens to a lot of coma patients, and no one can predict how much of your memory could be affected.

"I think they were happy to feel useful, so they made it their mission to find every possible picture in both of our houses. They made a pretty big mess, and I was worried for a moment that at least one of them might have lost their mind.

"Anyway, the box is ready for you, for whenever you decide to wake up. We're also starting to record stories for you. Apparently studies have shown that coma patients wake up and recover faster when they hear familiar voices telling them stories from the past. I know it sounds kind of weird, but we do whatever we can to help you."


Thanks so much for reading!!!! ❤❤❤

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