Chapter Forty-Four: Day 70

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I stand in front of Allie's hospital room, silently staring at the door. Yesterday, I was ready to storm in there after I received the phone call from my mom that Allie had woken up. Now I'm suddenly all nervous.

Allie's parents have kept us updated, and they said that she's doing great. She still seems to be a bit out of it, but the doctors said that was completely normal and even expected. So far it seems as if she knows what happened, and she remembered her parents right away too.

What if she won't remember me though? What if I walk into this room right now, and she just stares at me with a blank expression, asking me who I am?

Without warning, a hand lands gently on my shoulder. I turn around to see Nurse Stephanie smiling at me. "Go in already, Liam. She's been asking about you non-stop."

"She has?" My throat suddenly feels tight, and it becomes harder to swallow.

Nurse Stephanie nods at me, before giving me a soft push. "Come on. You won't regret it. You've been waiting for this moment for a long time, and it seems like Allie feels the same way."

"Ok, thanks." I watch her walk away, before turning back to the white door.

Taking a deep breath, I put my hand on the door handle and open it. I am still fully expecting to find Allie lying in bed, completely unmoving like all the other times before.

Instead, she's sitting up in her bed with a book in her lap. She is so engrossed in the story that she hasn't noticed me yet, and I enjoy the moment to just stare at her. My mind thinks this seems completely surreal, while my heart has sped up enormously just from seeing her.

My feet move further into the room on their own accord, naturally gravitating toward her like I always do. This time my presence doesn't go unnoticed, and Allie looks up from her book, making me stop dead in my tracks. Our gazes lock, and her eyes go as wide as they possibly can.

I start walking toward her again at the same as she throws her book onto the bed and climbs out of it as fast as she can. I'm almost at the bed, when she finally makes it out from under the blankets and throws herself at me.

I catch her, holding her as tightly as I think is safe. It's hard to believe she's in my arms right now. The happiness and relief I'm feeling is overwhelming to say the least. Allie's fingers push into my back, and I can feel her slightly shaking against my chest. Her crying is my undoing too, and I can't hold back the few tears sliding down my cheeks.

I push her back gently until we're at the big hospital bed. Everyone says she's been doing exceptionally well, but I don't want to take any risks.

"Sit down, Alliebear. I need to see you." I pull her down with me, and hand her a tissue from the bedside table. She wipes her face and sniffles a few more times, before finally looking up at me.

"Hi." She says, giving me a small smile.

"Beautiful Alliebear." I whisper, not sure if I say it to her or myself. We stare at each other for a few long moments. I lift one of my hands up to her cheek, slowly wiping away a few new tears. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. My body feels a bit stiff and weak, and my mind feels a bit foggy, but other than that I feel just normal I guess."

"I'm so glad you woke up and you're feeling well." The relief is evident in my voice and Allie laughs. It sounds a little raspy, yet the same. I want to pull her into a hug again, but then I couldn't see her face, so I resist the urge.

"Well, I couldn't let you suffer any longer, could I?" She smirks at me when she says it, and I'm momentarily confused.

"What do you mean, Allie?"

"Obviously you were lost without me, and probably got into trouble at every corner too. I was dreaming a lot about you, you know? Wild things about you getting into fights, and talks about ring pops, yummy coffee drinks, and what not. Quite adventurous if you ask me." She looks amused now, waiting for a response from me.

I scratch the back of my neck nervously, my brain desperately trying to figure out what to say. I decide to just bite the bullet and to tell her the truth. She'll find out regardless, so I might as well tell her myself.

"Well Allie, you see, those things actually did happened." A sudden realization makes me freeze instantly. "Wait a second. Are you...are you telling me that you actually heard everything that happened around you?"

Allie throws her head back and laughs loudly. "Shut up Charming, you actually punched Josh? Good for you. I never did like him much." I can feel my cheeks heat up a little bit at her ridiculous nickname for me.

"You really heard what I told you?" I look at her, completely dumbfounded. "Like everything?"

"Well some of the memories are a bit fuzzy, I'm guessing those are the ones from the beginning. And then the clearer they get, the more recent they are. Unless you didn't just recently half-propose to me with a ring pop?"

My mouth opens and closes a few times, but nothing is coming out. This is typical Allie, being direct as hell.

"It's ok, Charming. I loved all of your stories so much. They made me want to wake up so badly." She gives me a big smile that melts my heart. It's still hard to believe she's really awake.

"I'm glad you liked them." I'm still staring at her, almost too afraid to blink. What if I'm imagining all of this?

"Even though I have to admit that I liked one story the best." She pretends to think about it, but I can see in her eyes that she knows exactly what she's talking about. Her eyes are full of mischief.

"Oh yeah? Now which one would that be?" I challenge her, not that she really needs it.

"I can't remember it all the way. But I think there was something about love and maybe even a kiss? Yes, definitely a kiss. Why don't you refresh my memory a bit?" She can't mean what I think she means, can she?

"Yes I mean exactly that, silly. Now come here and kiss me already. I've been waiting for this moment forever."

I finally snap out of my daze and move closer to Allie to do exactly what she asked me to do.

The moment our lips meet is indescribable. I pull her closer by the waist, and Allie puts her hands around my neck. My heart is pumping so fast that it's echoing in my ears. After a few minutes we finally pull apart, both of us breathing hard.

"Wow." Allie mumbles, touching her lips with her fingers.

"Yeah." Is all I can come up with at that moment.

She looks at me then, and I can see the first hint of nervousness in her eyes. "Did you really mean what you said? You know, the whole love thing."

I nod. "No doubt about it. I..I love you, Alliebear."

I can see fresh tears building up in her eyes, but then she starts smiling. "I love you too, Charming."

"You better." I tease her.

"Now where is my ring pop?" She says, and we both have to laugh.

Man, how I've missed this girl.

My girl.


Ahhhhh, what do you think? 😍😍

As always, I really appreciate all of your guys' support! ❤❤❤

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