Chapter Twenty-Two: Day 30

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"My parents were trying so hard to make up for your absence at the game yesterday, but no one can compete with your enthusiasm and craziness. You are technically our unofficial mascot, if you like it or not. No one cheers louder than you when we score, and no one screams louder at the referee than you when you think he's being unfair to us. The boys still talk about that one time when you almost got kicked off the premises because you just wouldn't leave the poor referee alone.

"That's one thing I've always admired a lot about you. When something is important to you, you stand up for it. You do whatever you think needs to be done to make it right again. There aren't too many people out there like you. Most people choose the easy path and stay mum or turn away, not you though. You are like a wild animal, and people should know better than to get in your way.

"Time to kick that coma in the butt, Alliebear. It's been long enough now." 


What or who do you guys like to cheer on?? I'm curious.

Hope you liked this chapter. ❤❤❤

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