Chapter Fourteen: Day 19

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"Devon McAllister came up to me today, asking me how you were doing. Can you believe it? Have you guys even spoken since that awful Valentine's Day dance he took you to last year? Gosh, I remember how much I wanted to punch him when I saw him all over you that night. What a jerk. It's really not that hard to understand that no means no. I still wish you wouldn't have held me back that day. He definitely deserved being knocked out.

"I don't even know why he was asking today. I just turned around and left him standing there by the lockers. I knew I'd get in really big trouble if I had another fight in school. The last thing I need right now is getting grounded and not being able to see you.

"You know, I would have gone to that ball with you. I mean why not? A lot of friends go together to those kind of things, right? Maybe we can go together next time. Just you and me."


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