Chapter Twenty - Nine: Day 45

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"Allie, how are you today? You scared the crap out of me yesterday. One moment we were talking, well I guess I was talking but whatever. Then the next moment your heart rate monitor just started beeping faster. I was worrying sick when the nurse and the doctor came in and kicked me out of the room. It felt like hours until they finally came out of your room again. Of course they didn't really tell me anything until your parents got here. I was beyond frustrated and ready to rip my hair out.

"Anyway, they said everything looked normal, so they weren't concerned. They ran a few extra tests today though, and it seems you've started reacting a little bit to my voice. That's why your heart started beating a little faster.

"I don't even know what to say about that. It makes me so excited that something is happening, and so sad at the same time, because I just want you to wake up right now. I want to look into your eyes and tell you how happy I am that you're my best friend."


I don't know why, but I was tearing up a bit when I wrote the part about Allie reacting to Liam's voice. Do you believe there are connections like this?

Thanks for every single read, vote, and comment! I appreciate it so much!!! ❤❤❤

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