Chapter Forty-Two: Day 68

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"I was at the store yesterday with my mom, and there was a woman with a little girl in the checkout line in front of us. The little girl looked at the candy they have displayed on the side, and she really wanted to get a ring pop. Do you remember when you were obsessed with those? I don't even know how old we were, but we were pretty young.

"You were in your whole princess phase, and everything had to be about fairy tales. I always had to play the prince who rescued you from whatever creature or drama you came up with that day. And then you always wanted to get married to the prince at the end, so of course we had to have lots of ring pops for all of those ceremonies. Hehe, you've always been a bit crazy. I wouldn't change it for the world though.

"That got me thinking though if you've ever thought about it, I know...about you and me this way? We're obviously too young to get married right now, but maybe later on? Just forget about it. That sounds totally insane right now. Let's just pretend I didn't say a thing.

"One thing is for sure though. I do wish I could just wake you up with a kiss. I know I'll be in big trouble if someone catches me, but if I don't try it I'll always wonder if it might have worked, right?

"Well, here goes nothing."


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