On The Streets

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My name is Trinity Parker and I am a stripper, prostitute and drug addict. I've tried quitting several times but I have to make a living somehow.

I'm not the only one doing this, my sister Addilyn does it as well. Our biggest drug habit is heroine.

We only ask that you don't judge us cause you don't know our struggles. Let me tell you exactly why we came to be in this predicament in the first place.

My mother, God rest her soul committed suicide after being beaten by the one man who she considered her one true love. (Several Years Earlier) Mom waited on him to come home as she did every night knowing he would come home drunk and angry.

It didn't seem to matter what she did to try to make him happy it never worked. I watched him through my bedroom window as he staggered up the steps and opened the door and I heard him start to scream at my mother," you stupid useless bitch."

And then a loud smacking sound as he struck her, and I heard her cry out," what the hell did I do now?" She began to cry and I heard him say, what the fuck are you crying for cunt get your worthless ass into the kitchen and make me some supper while I go and get cleaned up.

I heard him stumble up the stairs and then he opened the door to my room. I tried to hide under the covers but new he would do what he always did and that was rape me.

I tried to fight him off but to no avail, hearing him giggle and push into me that much harder enjoying the sounds of my screams.

I heard several loud Shots and he paused. It was at that point that I ran downstairs seeing blood running between my legs but it was nothing compared to seeing my mothers brains spread across the wall and when I saw this I screamed and passed out.

Addilyn saw her sister sitting there like she was in her own little world and when she couldn't get her sisters attention she slammed her hands down on the table.

Damnit Trinity move your ass big daddy wants us shaking our half naked bodies out on sixth street and if we're not out there pronto we're gonna be up shits creek without no life preservers or paddles or even a damn boat.

I look at her okay for fucks sakes Addilyn but I swear next time you scare me like that I'm gonna punch you dead in your throat.

Addilyn smiled hehehe you think so huh? They both got dressed and proceeded to walk down the dark road to sixth and vine to begin a long nasty ugly pornographic night full of sleeze and sex.

Big Daddy loved his girls but usually had to slap them around to get his point across. He called Addilyn on her cell phone and after a few rings he heard hello big daddy. Hey where are you hoes at?

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