Bringing The Sisters Across part 1 Addilyn

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Alex went home and saw Addilyn sitting on the couch reading a book.

Addilyn stopped and looked up when she heard someone walk through the door and she became a little on edge until she heard Alex's voice.

Alex smiled before asking, " are you ok love?"

" yea I am now that I know it's you, she responded with a slight nervous quiver in her voice."

Alex grabbed her and pulled her off the couch and held her close and she started crying. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face up, looking into her warm blue eyes.

" Hey he said, it's ok nobody is gonna hurt you anymore and I mean exactly that, Alex replied, his voice full of malice and unexpressed rage."

Addilyn looked at him noticing his eyes were a bright copper red and knew he was still pissed.

As if sensing her thoughts and if only to keep her from being afraid of him, he smiled showing fangs. She giggled at him.

"Oh and just what is so funny Addilyn?" He asked.

"I can't help it she said even when you're angry you always have this goofy dopey grin on your face. Addilyn responded.

Alex said nothing. What he did next caught Addilyn completely off guard. He reached down and grabbed her around the waist and using the same unique gift that his aunt possessed, he snapped his fingers removing all clothing from them both.

Big daddy pimp was given the news that his days were numbered via a letter he received in the mail.

Big Daddy Pimp,
You don't know me, but I certainly know you. One day you will know what's it is like to be treated with the same callousness and cruelty you have bestowed upon others.

You will end up in the same place your buddy voss is at right now and when you get here you stupid arrogant piece of shit, I will let those you've harmed who are under my protection, do the same to you, Enjoy your life or rather what's left of it. Sincerely DLR.

Alex thought that he would give Addilyn what she craved and took her, enjoying the expression on her face and he grabbed her hair and bit her taking what he needed before giving her the same and sending her to sleep

Damien was furious when he heard about the things big daddy pimp had done to those who were the newest members of his family.

Oh he's gonna pay Damien thought to no one in particular. Alex walked in and saw the expression on his uncles face.

What's wrong uncle? Alex asked and started backing away form his uncle slowly.

Damien laughed, come now Alex I'm not gonna hurt you.

I'm not taking any chances unc Alex said, we all know how dangerous you are when you're angry.

I'm only angry at one big daddy pimp and he will pay for what he's done.

So you've heard about that? Have you? Alex asked.

Yes I have Damien said and they will both pay.

Yea they will Alex said, and when the girls are turned, we're gonna let them do to big daddy and voss exactly what was done to them.

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