A Bite To Drink

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They all stood on the beach waiting for Damien and Savaria to return.

Loki was actually feeling hungry and wanted a juicy morsel to sink his fangs into and although what he wanted to do was feed from the closest person to him and that would be Casey, he wanted something different, not sexually speaking as there was only one that could satisfy him and that was her.

He wanted, no he needed the hunt. Fear laced blood was the spice of life and he had to have some.

Loki heard his mother speak to him. Come my son and bring the others with you, we hunt this night as a family.

Loki grabbed Casey's hand and let the others know what was going on and they flew to be with Damien and Savaria.

Loki looked at Casey and smiled before looking up at the sky. I must hunt my love Loki said and I must hunt alone.

No Damien said what's about to happen is this, the guys are gonna hunt as a group and the girls are gonna hunt as a group it's safer this way until we learn a little more about the area.

Loki leaned over and kissed her before taking flight with the others. They flew over the city and saw a group of biker men assaulting an elderly couple.

The guys swooped down and stood behind the bikers. Damien smiled at the couple compelling them to stand perfectly still and not to panic cause everything would be ok.

The couple stood there as the leather clad guys kept antagonizing them. We want your money pops they said and when the old man said they didn't have any one of the men grabbed his wife and held a knife to her throat.

Loki was evil at one time but never had he harmed old people, but these guys were worse then he ever was.

The guy went to slice the woman's throat when Damien flipped out grabbing his arm, pulling it behind his back.

What do you think you're doing the man asked? His buddies circled Damien with weapons drawn. Let our friend go or you die.

Not bloody likely Damien said snarling. While keeping them distracted Loki gently moved the man and woman out of harms way compelling them to forget and go home before anything else happened.

Brandon, Kevin and Loki walked up to where Damien stood ready to attack and kill them all.

It was pure luck when a van pulled up in the parking area and out stepped Zachary, Dimitrius, Shane, Marcus, Ian and his nephews.

Damien was pissed," I don't like stupid ignorant people, and you bunch are the dumbest fucking morons I have ever met.

He went wild beast on the man after he was not so politely told to fuck off. Nah not today fella Damien said tearing the man's jugular open tasting his fear laced blood as it ran into his mouth and he swallowed it down.

The man panicked and tried to get away but he couldn't break Damien's grip it was like steel and the more he tried the stronger the man's grip became.

Damien noticed the Mans heartbeat becoming irregular before it stopped completely.

Loki and Brandon led the charge and proceeded to attack the other bikers when they heard Nigel's voice asking if he could join in?

Sure Brandon said as they advanced on the men hearing them begging for their lives. Yeah Loki said only I don't think that's gonna happen.

They attacked with a savage fury tearing open throats and consuming as much blood as they could.

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